冷拌再生瀝青混凝土鋪面相較於其他材料而言,更有明顯齡期強度發展趨勢,對該材料強度發展與時間關聯性之探討有其必要性,有助於該材料使用於鋪面工程上之品質控制;以國內外應用而言,水泥常用於增加冷拌再生瀝青混凝土之抗剝脫能力及固化作用,且水泥之固化作用對於冷拌再生養治時間具顯著影響。本研究目的為研究使用發泡瀝青之冷拌再生瀝青混凝土強度發展趨勢線,本研究所採用之材料為傳統級配粒料及使用發泡瀝青之冷拌再生瀝青混凝土(以下簡稱冷拌發泡再生),傳統級配粒料為對照組,冷拌發泡再生為實驗組;首先於實驗室內進行相關材料試驗以及配合設計,並以配合設計結果進行現地試鋪,完成後即使用多種儀器量測不同齡期之強度發展,由強度發展曲線得知冷拌再生瀝青混凝土之強度發展明顯優於傳統級配粒料,且冷拌再生發泡瀝青混凝土於初期養治8小時快速發展強度,並於中後期24小時後趨於平緩,而級配粒料則無明顯發展趨勢,其原因應為發泡瀝青穩定處理及水泥水化作用,於鋪面壓實完成後齡期初期即有強度發展,相對於傳統級配而言,冷拌再生瀝青混凝土確實有較高之強度,冷拌發泡再生之回彈模數與齡期關係為y=4.24ln(x)+24.13,其R2高達0.9;為確保該材料之強度,本研究建議新建工程使用本材料養治時間為24小時,養護工程則為4小時;現地驗證以新北市冷拌再生發泡瀝青試驗道路測試本研究建議之養護時間是否合適,該道路於養治時間1小時15分即可符合本研究強度發展曲線之建議強度要求,綜合以上各點所述,冷拌再生發泡瀝青應用在鋪面工程上確實有其優點與競爭力,非常值得進一步研究與應用。;Compared with other materials, cold-mixed recycled asphalt concrete pavement has more obvious development trend of aging strength that is necessary to discuss the relationship between the strength and curing time, which is helpful for the use of the material in pavement. In terms of domestic and foreign applications, cement can increase the anti-stripping ability and enhance the solidification, which make the curing time have discrepancy. The study uses Light Weight Deflectometer and Clegg Impact Soil Tester to determine the ELWD and Clegg Impact Value (CIV), in the light of studying the age strength of development of the cold mix recycling asphalt concrete to confirm the material properties. The strength of cold mix recycling asphalt concrete has a rapid development in the initial curing time, and gradually leveling off in the late period. However, the aggregate gradation has no obvious development. According to the strength development curve module, the regeneration between the ELWD and aging time is y=4.24ln(x)+24.13, and R2 is 0.9; To ensure the strength of the material, this study recommends the use of this material for the new construction project, the curing time is 24 hours, and the maintenance project is 4 hours. The test road in New Taipei City can meet the recommended strength requirements of the strength development curve of this study within 1 hour and 15 minutes of curing time. Based on the above points, the application of cold-mixed recycled foamed asphalt in pavement engineering does have its advantages and competitiveness, and it is well worth it in Further research and application.