本研究針對新設計具束制之S型消能器進行探討,將其配置在A型斜撐中測試其性能且進行耐震評估,將S型消能器與前人設計之曲線消能器相做消能容量及強度分析比較,發現S型消能器在力量強度上相較曲線消能器可提升1.6倍,累計消能能提升至少2.5倍以上,其原因為將原本曲線消能器由單曲率改為雙曲率之S型消能器,因相同變位曲率增大的前提下,有效增加了消能容量,A型斜撐位移放大效果,能使S型消能器充分展現其良好的消能特性。 為驗證此設計之可行性,本研究首先針對不同尺寸之S型消能器進行 構件試驗,界定消能元件之遲滯行為,後經由適當配置之不同尺度S型消能器應用於構架中進行一系列載重試驗,研究結果顯示,配置束制S型消能器之A型斜撐構架能有效維持梁柱構件等主結構之完整性且提升勁度,斜撐構架強度可提升抗彎構架之1.6至2.1倍,整體構架總能量消散方面相較於未裝設束制S型消能器之構架亦提升為3倍以上,由上述之研究結果可知,此設計可有效提升結構之承載性能,對於耐震效能提升設計,具有相當之可行性。 ;This study focused on the performance evaluation of A braced frame with S damper. The purpose of this study is to improve the curve damper have better strength and energy dissipation capacity, so S damper was designed. In order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed A braced frame with S damper, a series of cyclic loading tests with various damper dimensions were conducted. According to the experimental results, this design could maintain the main structures in elastic stage. S damper started to dissipate energy in early deformation stage and had exhibited ductility to 10% deformation ratio without crack. Experimental results of A braced tests show that deformation ratio of S damper could be amplified in the proposed A brace design. To be more specific, the brace strength and stiffness of the proposed design were effectively enhanced. Therefore, the applicability of this design was verified through experimental and numerical studies of the test frames.