摘要: | 貢德氏赤蛙(Sylvirana guentheri)為一種常見蛙類,廣泛分布於中國東南部、臺灣以及越南。一般認為兩棲動物的移動及遷移能力較差並且不能過通過地理屏障,像是高山或者是海洋。兩棲動物種群的遷移與擴散模式對於地理屏障的限制相當敏感,造成種群之間的差異。因此,兩棲類是研究地理親緣關係相當好的材料。我們的研究目的是利用貢德氏赤蛙的粒線體與核基因的基因核苷酸序列作分子遺傳標記,建立貢德氏赤蛙各族群間的親緣關係,並探討貢德氏赤蛙在東亞及東南亞地區可能的擴散模式以及遷移路徑。本研究所使用的材料為在臺灣各地所採集到的樣本,以及從NCBI上收集來自其他國家的基因核苷酸序列。利用三個粒線體基因及一個核基因(12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, Cytochrome b, and CXCR4) 進行親緣關係分析。根據研究結果,不同地區的族群存在差異性,其中臺灣西部的貢德氏赤蛙族群與臺灣東部的族群已開始有遺傳分化現象。此外,透過親緣關係樹狀圖及分子時鐘的估算結果也顯示了貢德氏赤蛙可能源自於東南亞,並在冰河時期間向北擴張延伸到臺灣及中國。;Sylvirana guentheri, a species of Ranidae, widely distributes across southeastern China, Taiwan, and Vietnam. As amphibians, the migration is limited by geographical barriers, resulting in population differentiation. The purpose of our research is to use the DNA sequences of mitochondria and nuclear genes as molecular genetic markers to examine the phylogeography among the populations of S. guentheri, and to investigate the possible dispersal modes and migration paths of S. guentheri in East and Southeast Asia. The dataset includes newly acquired sequences of samples collected in Taiwan, and those of other regions’ samples from NCBI. Three mitochondrial gene regions and one nuclear gene region (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, Cytochrome b, and CXCR4) were used, to reconstruct phylogeny. Based on our results, there are population variation among different areas, such as the population of S. guentheri in western Taiwan is obviously different from the population in eastern Taiwan. In addition, our results support that S. guentheri might originate in Southeast Asia and extend northward through Hainan to Taiwan. Later, there was another dispersal northward from Vietnam. |