本論文建立一套井狀結構全像碟片內之等效光場傳遞模型,並基於此模型模擬全像儲存系統使用井狀結構全像碟片時,訊號紀錄與讀取的狀況,並且將由於井狀結構鏡射而錯位的訊號,解回原本的位置後,進行誤碼比對與分析。最後建立一套全像儲存系統中M#消耗的評估方法,比較井狀結構全像碟片與傳統全像碟片間的優劣。;In this thesis, a 4-side reflected well-like holographic disk is proposed to improve the performance of a holographic data storage system. An equivalent light propagation model is built to simulate the writing process and the reading result of a holographic disk of this type. A recovery method is established to recover the reflected signal proceeding the bit error comparison process. An approach to calculate effective consumption ratio of M# is suggested to evaluate the performance of a holographic data storage system, comparing with the traditional holographic disk.