本論文即在討論戰後初期中蘇東北的交涉。首先概述中蘇友好同盟條約簽訂的背景、國民政府的策略及構想,以及簽約後中蘇兩國互不信任的狀況。其次論述中蘇兩國試圖諒解,雙方再次的折衝樽俎。最後探究兩國關係因談判停滯而惡化,蘇聯讓共軍進佔長春,蔣中正亦拒絕訪蘇,兩國關係實際結束。 ;Right before the end of the World War II, the Nationalist Government signed the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance with the Soviet government, with the hope that it might receive moral and material support, as well as military supplies from the Soviet government. However, the development of the situation was quite different from that hope. The Soviet government not only withdrew the Soviet army from Manchuria without first informing the Nationalist government, but also secretly gave its assistance to the Chinese Communist Party. Many strategic cities in Manchuria therefore fell into the hands of the Chinese Communists. The Sino-Soviet relationship was actually broken just eight months after the signing of the treaty.
This thesis is a study of the Sino-Russian relations in the early stagy of post-WWII period. The first part gives a general introduction to the background of the Sino-Soviet Friendship Alliance Treaty, the Nationalist Government’s strategies and ideas in Manchuria, and the state of mutual distrust between the two governments. The following part examines the efforts and negotiations between the two sides for a peaceful cooperation. The third part explores the deterioration of the Sino-Russian relationship due to the stagnation of negotiations. The failure of their negotiation resulted in the Chinese Communists’ occupation of Changchun under the acquiescence of the Soviet government, Chiang Kai-shek’s refusal to the invitation of the Soviet government for a visit, and the termination of the relationship between the two countries.