本計畫欲探究「地域文化」作為士人階層的想像空間從秦漢到魏晉在不同文本中的敘事與認同的發展與轉變。核心的研究主題乃透過理解巴蜀文化的源流,還有秦漢魏晉巴蜀士人階層的敘事與認同,以及巴蜀與華陽間的差異。除此之外,作為西南中心的巴蜀,如何從蠻夷變為華夏,秦漢魏晉時期巴蜀與西南夷間的敘事又是如何?將分為三年的時間,分別研究:漢代士人的巴蜀文化觀、依違在地方與天下之間:《華陽國志》的雙重認同、古代西南敘事的轉變。透過敘事研究,回歸到文本產生的時代,理解作者和文本、時代間的關係,並且分析其背後的認同,將之納入文化的情境和脈絡,豐富文本的理解。 ;In this project, I am going to use regional culture of ancient Sichuan (Bashu) and environs to elaborates on previous interpretations of cultural change and to highlight the negotiation of identity between metropolitan and local agents. Metropolitan and local identities of early imperial and medieval China were fluid, changed over time, and mutually constitutive. But how exactly were these identities created and constituted and what factors were involved during the seven-hundred-year period of contact? This study deploys an interdisciplinary approach to address this question and to produce a critical synthesis based on the methods of narrative research and history