當斷層發生錯動,除了伴隨而來的震動加速度,在斷層線附近會有顯著的地表變形,常導致斷層帶附近建築結構物的破壞,現行耐震評估亦依據地表加速度值進行結構物耐震設計與耐震性能評估,然而剪裂帶附近的地表變形與地層錯動,將使斷層線附近的結構物與維生系統如瓦斯、自來水、電力與地下管路等發生破壞並喪失原有功能,造成人民生命與財產的損失,震後亦可能造成火災、斷水、斷訊等複合式災害。108年度之研究計畫中,藉由離心模型試驗進行較堅硬地盤在正斷層與逆斷層錯動下的物理模型模擬,並以離散元素法之數值模擬進行驗證與分析。本研究為接續108年計畫的兩年期研究計畫,109年與110年分別進行低樓層與高樓層及維生管線因斷層錯動引致的變形或破壞行為,以期未來作為斷層線附近結構物設計之依據之一。 ;During fault slipping, the accompanying ground acceleration and ground deformation would cause the failure of structures. The seismic design of structure usually focuses on the ground acceleration. The deformation and ground surface deformation around the shear zone of fault leads to the damages of structure and the channels and pipelines for electric power, gas, water supply, internet and telecommunications. These would cause the multi-disasters and loss of lives and properties. This is a two-year project to study the soil structure interaction during fault slipping. The content of this study in first year, a hard soil deposit is prepared to study the effect of normal and reverse faults on the ground deformation and shear zone development by centrifuge modeling and numerical simulation. To continue the first year (2019) study, this project was proposed for two-year project. In 2020 and 2021 project, a pipeline system, a lower and higher structures are built on the ground surface. The interaction between structure, pipe line, affecting range of ground surface and movement of fault are studied. The behavior of structure movement and damage of pipeline would be used to improve the design of structures near the fault lines.