近年來世界各國為增加廢棄車輛之整體回收效率,已逐漸針對廢車拆解過程之破碎殘餘物(automobile shredder residue, ASR),進行提昇資源或能源再利用之技術研究,多數研究亦嘗試針對提昇廢車破碎處理廠效能著手,期能利用破碎、篩分及磁選等程序之改善或更新,達到廢車破碎殘餘物之減量。然而,近年來由於車輛製造程序中,部分車輛零件改採塑膠取代鐵金屬之用量,且由於塑膠之分離回收效率較差,因此,未來可預期將會產生較多之廢車破碎殘餘物。根據文獻研究顯示,為有效提昇廢棄車輛之再使用(reuse)、循環回收(recycling)及再利用(recovery)的效率,發展更為完整有效之拆解(dismantling)或是應用ASR之處理或資源再利用技術,將是未來兩項重要研究與發展之課題。然而,發展拆解技術或程序,雖可透過綠色設計(為拆解而設計)方式導入,而達到提昇廢棄車輛資源回收的成果,但現階段受到較高之勞工成本及部分回收物質(如非金屬物質等)較低的市場價值之影響,仍須克服經濟不可行的問題。因此,發展與應用創新的ASR處理或資源再利用技術,將成為後續提昇廢棄車輛回收成效之重要環境研究課題。本計畫擬發展ASR衍生燃料多元應用管道,嘗試建立提昇現有ASR處理或資源化技術之技術層次,發展最佳可行之應用技術,以及開發新穎創新之兼具ASR處理及能源利用技術,提供未來相關產業技術選擇之參考。 ;In recent years, to increase recycling rate of the end-of-life vehicle (ELV), some researches have been focused on enhancement of resource recycling and energy recovery from automobile shredder residues (ASR). Meanwhile, some researches also focused on the performance improvements and upgrades of shredder, screen, and magnetic equipments in ASR plant and to reduce the amounts of ASR production. However, the ASR fraction is expected to further increase in the future, since the amounts of plastic used in vehicles will increase at the expense of the ferrous metal fraction and separation efficiency of plastic is so far not common practice. Based on the results of literatures, to enhance the reuse, recycling, and recovery rates of ELV, more complete dismantling or development and application of ASR conversion techniques will be two major routes of research and development in the future. Although, the car industry is introducing the green design concepts (e.g. design for disassembly), increasing dismantling is currently not economically viable due to the high labor costs and low market values for some recyclable materials (e.g. non-metallic materials). Therefore, to develop and apply the innovative ASR treatment and/or conversion techniques, have become an important issue in enhancement of ELV recycling and recovery rate. In this project, we will try to establish and enhance the levels of existing ASR treatment and/or resourcification techniques by using multi-purpose ASR derived fuel. The results of this project could find out the best available techniques for applying of ASR treatment and energy conversion. It also can provide the important information for references of techniques selection in relevant ASR industry.