現今組織面對的是越來越不可預測、複雜同時具挑戰性的環境。因此企業在這樣的環境下必須確保能擁有快速適應、預測市場的能力以及在決策上的靈活性。單一的領導行已無法滿足組織及成員的多樣化需求,取而代之的是運用兩者兼顧整合思維的領導方式,即所謂的雙元領導。雙元領導具有開放式與閉合式特徵,前者培養員工創新,後者幫助員工發揮價值,並在情境與時間中保持靈活性,即開放式領導與閉合式領導。過去研究大多將開放式領導與閉合式領導分別進行研究,探討單一領導風格對部屬工作表現之影響,但鮮少將兩種領導風格進行高高低低概念上的分類並探討其影響。因此,本研究將開放式領導與閉合式領導同時考慮,使用多項式迴歸與反應曲面分析,探究開放-閉合雙元領導、開放式領導、閉合式領導以及無為領導在主管部屬交換關係與任務適應性間的關聯。本研究共收集了383份台灣企業之有效主管部屬配對問卷,使用多項式迴歸與反應曲面分析結果,研究發現:(一)當主管展現高開放式高閉合式的開放-閉合雙元領導時,相較於低開放式低閉合式的無為式領導,其主管部屬交換關係較高。(二)當主管展現高開放式低閉合式領導的開放式領導時,其主管部屬交換關係會高於展現低開放式高閉合式的閉合式領導。(三)主管部屬交換在開放-閉合雙元領導與部屬任務適應性之間具有中介的效果。最後針對本研究之學術貢獻、管理意涵、研究限制及未來研究方向提出說明與建議。;Organizations are facing an increasingly unpredictable, complex and challenging environment. Therefore, organizations must have the ability to quickly adapt, predict the market and have flexibility in decision-making. A single leadership can no longer meet the diverse needs of the organization and its members. Instead, a both/and leadership style that takes into account both integrated thinking, called Ambidextrous Leadership. Ambidextrous leadership has the characteristics of opening and closing. Opening cultivates employees’ innovation and closing helps employees to achieve goals and maintain flexibility. Existing research of opening and closing leadership has been focusing on the study of single perspective leadership style, the two leadership styles were rarely classified into high and low concepts and explored their impact. Hence, this study aims to combine both opening leadership and closing leadership to explore their interaction effect on LMX and task adaptivity. A field study based on 383 supervisor and subordinator dyads in Taiwan, using polynomial regression and response surface to test the result. The finding support that (1)LMX is higher under the ambidextrous leadership when compare with neither/nor leadership.(2)LMX is higher under opening leadership when compare with closing leadership.(3)LMX mediates the mutually strengthening interaction effect between ambidextrous leadership upon subordinate’s task adaptivity.