道路交通工程在我國最重要的建設不外乎是高速公路建設,至今已經歷半個世紀,從民國60年代,以貫通南北的國道1號中山高速公路為第1代高速公路開始,以快速、經濟及安全為主要考量。80年代發展成縱橫交織的高快速公路網,以國道3號為主的第2代高速公路,將環境保護、景觀綠美化,包含國道建築美學及設施物之美化。到了90年代高速公路建設融入整體環境,營造與環境生態、景觀、地方文化共生共存共榮,國道6號、國道1號五股至楊梅段拓寬等計畫為首的第3代高速公路,有著新一代的公路設計思維,在路廊研選階段已納入生態評估,及早避開生態敏感區域,積極營造國道永續發展及環境生態。 就目前在追求環保、經濟及社會的永續發展中,儼然成為全球共同的施政方針及目標。而臺灣對世界趨勢無法置身事外,本研究希望藉由「國道2大園流道至台15線新闢高速公路工程」為例,來評估道路建設在全生命週期各階段對生態環境符合度之探討。研究成果顯示雖然部分階段在106年工程會制訂「公共工程生態檢核機制」前已經完成,惟遵循主辦機關可行性研究評估流程及環境影響評估說明書辦理,已包含大部分生態檢核項目以及施工階段落實度,可符合「公共工程生態檢核自評表」之要求。 ;Highway construction has been the most significant road traffic engineering since the 60th year of the Republic Era and has last for half an century. Being the first generation highway, National Highway No.1 also known as the Sun Yat-sen Freeway, connects north and south of Taiwan with the primary concern to provide traveler a fast, economic and safe traffic environment. Up to the 80th year of the Republic Era, highway construction has developed into a densely crisscrossed highway network. The 2nd generation highway, National Highway No.3 has been designed to be environmental friendly and with the function of lanscape planting. In the 90th year of the Republic Era, the highway construction design has achieved to co-exist with city design, eco-environment, lanscape design and even local culture.3rd generation highway, National Highway No. 6 and Highway No. 1, (from Wugu to Yangmei) were designed based on the widening program. Engineers with up-to-date design thinking have considered the ecological assessment when evaluating the road corridors not only to avoid environmentally sensitive area but also to pursue highway sustainable development. Pursuing Eco-friendly, economic and society sustainable development has become a common goal and public policy worldwide, including Taiwan. This study takes National Highway No. 2, Dayuan Interchange to Tai No.15 Highway construction project as a case study to evaluate the feasibility of road construction in life circle to the ecological environment. Study shows that although part of the constructions were completed before the develop of the Ecological Check Mechanism on Public Construction, rest of the constructions still can meet the requirements from self-evaluation form of Public Construction Ecological check list.