《春秋》學在宋代有不同的應用面向,當中又以政治層面較為重要。如王安石執政期間,將《春秋》從科舉範圍中剔除,令北宋《春秋》學發展從盛轉衰。加上,《春秋》學在學術思想層面上的應用,已有不少現當代學者所關注。故此本文以《全宋文》所錄的君主宰輔的公牘為研究核心,嘗試了解這些人物,如何在政治上應用《春秋》學。 廣義的公牘,不止是政府部門之間的往來文書,更包括君主的詔令與大臣的奏章。君主是宋代政治的核心,他們的詔令文書所記載,不單是命令,更記載了他們的學術思想與對事情的應對方法,是直接的政治行為記錄。君主雖貴為天子,但仍有不方便直接說話的時刻,故此需要借助經籍來說話,當中包括《春秋》經傳。宋代大臣人數眾多,當中以宰輔最為接近權力核心。他們在向皇帝提供建議時,大都會引經據典,以加強說服力並找求解決問題的方法。他們引用經典時,不僅反映他們的學識,亦包含他們對經典的看法。 在宋代,人們對災異的看法,大多當作是上天的警示,不如今日人們以科學方法作解釋。當中,大臣常用《春秋》經傳中的記載,向皇帝說明某種災異的含意與應對方法。本文會探討從宰輔與一般大臣的角度來看,到底在引用《春秋》經傳解災說異時,有著怎樣不同的解讀情況。 本文以《全宋文》所錄的公牘作為研究文本,是希望借助當代的學術成果,進一步考究《春秋》學在宋代的應用情況,特別是政治上的運用。與此同時,是希望藉著了解政治核心如何在政治層面上運用《春秋》學,看他們與一般士人對「尊王」及「攘夷」的看法是否有所分別。 ;The study of the Spring and Autumn Annals(春秋學)had different applications in Song Dynasty(宋朝), in which the political approach was the most important. For example, Wang Anshi(王安石)has removed the Spring and Autumn Annals from the Chinese imperial examination’s syllabus; and led to the development of the study in Northern Song Dynasty(北宋)turning from prosperity to decline. Many contemporary scholars have paid attention to the application of the study on the level of philosophy. This essay focuses on the research of official communications from emperors and chancellors recorded in Quan Song Wen(全宋文)and trying to investigate how they apply the study through political approach. In a broad sense, “official communications ”(公牘)are not only about the correspondence between different government departments; but also include emperors’ edicts and orders, and officials’ memorials. Emperor(君主)was the core of the political system in Song Dynasty. His edicts and orders were the force of law, the philosophy and the responses on a particular event. These are the direct records of political activities. As “son of Heaven”, the emperor sometimes could not freely express their opinion. He had to use the quotes from the classics, for example the Spring and Autumn Annals to speak. In Song Dynasty, there were many government officials, in which chancellor(宰輔) was the highest ranking executive official. When chancellor was giving advice to the emperor, he would usually use the quotes from classics to strengthen persuasiveness and find ways to solve the problem. This reflects that he was knowledgeable and his interpretation of the quotes. In Song Dynasty, people mostly regarded calamity as a warning from the heaven, unlike the people in nowadays are using scientific methods to explain. At that time, officials would illustrate to emperor the meanings and the solutions of a disaster by quoting the Spring and Autumn Annals frequently. This article will discuss from the perspective of chancellors and officials and investigate how did they interpret the quotes in the Spring and Autumn Annals when explaining the situation to the emperor. This research essay is based on the official communications in Quan Song Wen and intending to use the contemporary academic achievements to further investigate the application of the study of the Spring and Autumn Annals in Song Dynasty, in which particularly in political approach. Moreover, this essay is aimed to explore the difference between the cores of the political system and the officials on the opinion of “revere the emperor”(尊王)and “expel the barbarians”(攘夷)by understanding how the cores were applying the study in political approach.