本研究以烏溪上游為其研究河段,台灣特有種台灣石魚賓做為指標魚種,利用HEC-RAS模式進行水位演算並使用RHABSIM模式進行棲地分析。以權重可使用棲地面積超越機率推估其生態基準流量,併考慮與棲地歧異度超越機率、流量超越機率間之關係,以建議魚類所需流量的合理範圍介於3cms?8cms。同時以等值線自動繪製軟體繪出各種潭類的位置與發生時間。最後將棲地型態分為3種與4種潭瀨分別探討在不同流量下所產生之棲地歧異度值,發現在流量為4cms時其棲地歧異值為最多樣化。 In this study, taking upstream of Wu-Chi River for example and selecting Acrossocheilus paradoxus as the index fish species. The depth with habitat is analyzed by HEC-RAS and RHABSIM 2.2. The estimation ecological reference flow to selecte WUA duration curve, and thinking about the relationship between habitat diversity duration curve and flow duration curve, to find out accept the range and suggest the flow to be 3cms~8cms. Using the Autodesk Field Survey to find a veriety of habitat type position with time. Finally to confer habitat diversity in the different flowrate for three and four habitat types, to discover most variety habitat diversity to be 4cms.