本論文中我們探討一個場域空間中有數盞平板燈同時點亮,使用照度 計量測進行光學特性分析得到各盞平板燈的照度分布情形,並與實際量測 值比對驗證。 在論文中首先我們進行各別平板燈的照度分析,使用最小平方法求解 照度餘弦定理的次方項與各平板燈正下方的照度係數。 接著我們在一場域空間中點亮所有平板燈,應用先前最小平方法所得 到每盞平板燈的次方項與係數,使用所建立的光學特性模型即可分析場域 空間中多盞平板燈同時點亮下,各盞平板燈照度值的強弱及分布情形,並比 對計算出的單盞照度變化和多盞平板燈的總照度變化是否與照度計實際所 量測的照度值相符合。 ;In this word, we have studied the illumination distribution of a luminaire array, and have developed a simplified measurement procedure for the photometric performance monitoring. With the aid of least square method, we found out that the photometric performance of each luminaire in the array can be identified just simply by measuring the total illumination distribution of the luminaire array only on some specific spots. It saves lots of work other than to turn on and turn off each luminaire one by one. The detection errors could be as small as less than 10%.