本論文研究目的為改善攔截飛彈行駛路徑及攔截所需時間,以求在較短時間內成功攔截目標,降低被敵方干擾或攔截的可能性。本文運用擴展型卡爾曼濾波器對非線性之雷達量測訊號進行濾波並估計目標狀態,再利用擴展型卡爾曼濾波器估計值預測攔截所需時間以及可能攔截位置,並取代目前較為廣泛使用之比例導引法(Proportional Navigation Guidance)。本文在Matlab軟體程式建立二維模擬環境,於不同參數設定環境下將所提之飛彈導引方式與比例導引法進行模擬比較與分析,透過模擬結果觀察,本文所提之導引方式可有效改善飛彈行駛路徑及攔截目標所需時間。;The purpose of this thesis is to utilize the extended Kalman filter(EKF) to replace the proportional navigation (PN) guidance method conventionally practiced in a guided missile in order to improve the tracking performance and to reduce the required time for intercepting target, so as to further increase the chance of victory when defending from the invasion of an enemy. The EKF is developed to filter nonlinear radar signals and to estimate target states. The estimation results in our proposed method are used to predict the required time for target interception and the interception point for missile guidance. A two-dimensional tracking trajectory environment is simulated with Matlab. Two missile guidance methods, the proposed method and the PN guidance, have been studies and compared with computer simulations for different parameters setup. Simulation results show that the proposed method can achieve performance improvement on both missile trajectory and the overall elapsed time over the PN guidance method.