摘要: | 本論文以戰後土地政策之一環農地重劃工作為主軸,探討1962-1971年度展開的第一期十年農地重劃政策,並選取桃園縣新屋鄉蚵殼港重劃區作為範例,分析農地重劃政策之正面效益、負面爭議,以及重劃前後對於重劃地區農民生活的影響。 本研究運用官方檔案、時人期刊、報章雜誌及地政單位所典藏之地籍資料,呈現蚵殼港地區的農地重劃實況。整體說來,農地重劃工作與1950年代推動之土地改革有相當直接的關聯性,同時農地重劃工作亦與地方水利建設關係密切,以桃園地區而言,石門水庫的興建與農地重劃工作息息相關,而在農地重劃工作結束後,桃園地區農地缺水問題獲得較為根本性的解決,並將各時期的水利建設功能進行整合,提升供水之效能,也使水資源得以進行合理利用。 在缺失方面,農地重劃工作明顯地在準備時程、法令整備及經費運用方面有所弊病,這也是農地重劃工作推行之際,容易遭致反對聲浪之原因。就農地重劃計畫而言,第一期十年農地重劃是重中之重,是各階段農地重劃中完成最大重劃面積者,對後續農地重劃工作之推動,具有指標性意義。 以桃園縣新屋鄉蚵殼港重劃區的農民為例,論及農民對於農地重劃之看法,結論為歷經重劃時期階段相當艱辛,但時至今日則深感農地重劃之成果良善。整體而言,農地重劃過程之經濟壓力備感沉重,然而現今卻已全面提升了農地價值。 ;This study is on farmland readjustment as a component of the land reform scheme in the Postwar period, with a particular focus on the first ten-year phase of farmland readjustment policy (1962-1971). The readjustment zone of Kekegang in Xinwu Township, Taoyuan County, serves as a case study to analyze the positive impact and negative controversies concerning the land adjustment scheme and how the everyday lives of the farming community within the readjustment zone changed following the implementation of the policy. This study used official archival data, periodicals, journals, and newspapers current to that particular era, and land registration data kept by the competent authorities to reconstruct the process of farmland readjustment in the Kekegang region. When viewed comprehensively, farmland adjustment was tied to the land reform scheme of the 1950s and closely related to local irrigation and hydraulic infrastructure development. For example, in the Taoyuan region, the construction of the Shimen Dam was closely associated with land readjustment projects, and as the readjustment projects came to completion, the accessibility of water in the Taoyuan region was also fundamentally resolved. Different irrigation and hydraulic works also became better integrated to improve water supply efficiency and reasonable use of water resources. During the farmland readjustment process, some problems were the preparatory management, regulatory streamlining, and budgetary concerns, leading to expressed concerns and even opposition to the farmland readjustment process. The first yen-year phase was critical to the entire readjustment project, and it also happened to achieve the most significant scale of farmland readjustment, a clear indication of the uniqueness of this particular phase. The Kekegang readjustment zone′s farmers would recall the difficulties that the readjustment process created, but they tend to be supportive when discussing the long-term results of farmland readjustments. In short, the farmland readjustment process was economically burdensome at the time, but now the readjustment results have become fully converted into added value for the farmlands in question. |