本論文以ESP8266系列開發版為基礎的智慧家庭系統,並且以MQTT通訊協定作為開發版與中控中心的橋樑,應用於家庭自動化與家庭保全的兩個方向。手機APP以帳號密碼做為使用者登入的方式,根據不同的帳號來給予不同的權限,並且可以隨時隨地透過遠端的方式來開關家電。家庭保全包括門禁警報系統與監控系統,門禁警報系統可以透過RFID模組來辨識使用者,並且以寄信和蜂鳴器響起時發出警報。監控系統會將拍到的照片更新到網路雲端,使用者可以隨時隨地進行監控,同時也透過寄信的方式來通知使用者家中監控有異狀。;This thesis studies the smart home system of the ESP8266 series, and uses the MQTT communication protocol as the bridge between the home security and control center, which is applied to the home automation and home security. The mobile APP uses account and password as a way for users to log in, and different permissions are given to different accounts, so that home appliances can be switched on and off remotely anytime, anywhere. Home security includes an access control alarm system and a monitoring system. The access control alarm system can identify users through the RFID module, and send out an alarm by sending a letter and a buzzer. The monitoring system will update the captured photos in the network cloud, so that users can monitor them anytime and anywhere, further more, it will notify users of abnormalities by sending letters.