東林與復社可視為明末政壇清流的匯聚之處,兩者時間接續且成員相關,對政治上皆有「遙執時政」的實力,思想也以重經實學相承,復社甚至因此有「小東林」之稱。馬世奇以師承及無錫地緣關係承繼了東林精神,雖未直接參與萬曆、天啟間的黨爭,卻也被視為東林後勁。他曾參加晚明影響力最大的文社-復社,也與創建復社的張溥交好。在未第讀書時,馬世奇以科舉文社最重視的制藝選文、評判聞名。中試後,他以優秀的成績進入接近權力核心的翰林院,秉持為國為民的初衷,企圖在凋敝的時局發揮影響力,卻無力回天。最後在甲申國變時慨然殉國,不僅反映出明末士人對節義的獨特價值觀,也被後世奉為忠義楷模。 ;The purpose of this study is mainly to discuss the role, influence and position of Shih-Chi Ma(馬世奇)in the political changes between Tung-lin(東林)and Fu-she(復社)in the late Ming dynasty.
Tung-lin and Fu-she are regarded as the gathering place of the Righteous Circles(清流). Two groups are connected in time while their members are also related. They both valued classics and practical knowledge while having the power to "exert the political influence as an opposition".
Though Ma did not directly participate in the Tung-lin party struggle, he was regarded as the last generation of Tung-lin with his local relationship of Wuxi(無錫). Ma participated in a most influential wen-she(文社), Fu-she and was also good friends with its founder Pu Chang(張溥).Shih-Chi Ma was good at eight-legged essay writing, which was valued by the Imperial Examination training wen-she. After the Imperial Examination, he entered the Hanlin Academy(翰林院), which was close to the corridors of power. He wanted to serve his country and its people, but situation in the late Ming dynasty was difficult for him.
In the end, Ma gave up his life when the dynasty fell, which not only reflected the unique values of morality and loyalty among the Ming scholars, but also became Ma’s most widely praised deed by later generations.