由於5G通訊的強力推動使得串流服務及可連接裝置大受歡迎,加上人工智慧的突破,消費性電子產品在今年已經普及化;迎來市場爆炸性需求,加上過往短生產週期的特色,其生產設備的發展重點勢必會放在智能化、高彈性等條件。這種生產方式即是發揮微型工廠的理念,以有限的空間達到產品多樣化生產,運行低成本生產效益。此理念有助於使產品價格具備市場競爭力;換句話說,產品隨著市場需求日新月異,微型工廠理念中的設備能透過簡易的更換夾治具,維持穩定且迅速的生產,實現永續經營的目標。 本文參考微型工廠的設計概念,以現今消費性電子產品生產為主題,開發出一款輕量化小型雷射雕刻機,其架構為H-BOT型,改良自銑床Gantry Type架構,為因對多樣化、生產週期短的電子產品生產需求,此機器架構按照上述需求定義設計條件,其機器特色相較於傳統生產方式下,產能與品質更穩定;相較於自動化設備,生產更彈性、成本更低,為多樣化生產工廠提供另類的機器設計方針。此外,本文也將設計流程標準化,使工程師能按照標準流程進行設計與製作,減少設備開發成本。;Consumer electronics stands as one of the biggest industries that showcase technological advancements most clearly. Consumer electronics have become very popular demand remained strong thanks to steady performance Streaming services and connectable devices sectors. These trends are a big challenge for everyone in the industry, from large-scale manufacturers to small startups and their investors. First, the production capacity and quality condition has increased exponentially, Second, allows a certain level of adaptability, flexible manufacturing. This enables the industry to respond to customer orders quickly by introducing new products effortlessly and by providing a broad product range, product is competitive in the international market. This Master of Science thesis depicts the mechanical design and physical implementation of H-BOT manipulator. The resulting structure can perform four degrees-of-freedom (DOF) displacements along the three Cartesian axes X, Y and Z as well as a rotation W around the Z axis. The size and the other geometries of the robot to fit into the micro factory concept (TUT-μF) developed at Tampere University of Technology. Besides the innovative production process method, other advantages of this machine are slight weight and homogeneous workspace. To overcome the issues of expensive cost to develop and develop time, this paper introduces a standard operating procedure for machine design flow as reference datum.