本論⽂的⽬的是利⽤MaNGA計劃去探討在西佛⼆型星系的宿主星系性質。透過分析 SDSS的數據,我們已知西佛⼆型星系的[OIII]發射譜線出現了雙峰分佈。在第⼗三版Véron星系⽬錄和MaNGA的數據中,我們也發現同樣的雙峰分佈。我們利⽤星系凸核的絕對星等跟[OIII]的光度來分開兩類的西佛⼆型星系。我們利⽤了SDSS的FracDeV參數來表⽰星系凸核在整個星系的占有比例,並且使⽤星系動物園2以及⾁眼去分辨西佛⼆型星系的宿主星系形態。我們發現較低光度的西佛⼆型星系比起較⾼光度的西佛⼆型星系較常出現在早期型星系。我們把MaNGA的像素歸類為三種:星系核中⼼、環核區域,以及宿主星系區域。在環核區域,我們發現較⾼光度的西佛⼆型星系的⾊指數和巴⽿末減幅都較⾼。在宿主星系區域,我們發現較低光度的西佛⼆型星系的星族年齡、Dn4000指數、恆星質量的表⾯密度與⾦屬量都較⾼。我們也發現較⾼光度的西佛⼆型星系的恆星形成率和特定恆星形成率都比較低光度的為⾼,代表較⾼光度的西佛⼆型星系的宿主星系的恆星形成活躍度較⾼。此外,在宿主星系區域中,我們也發現恆星形成率與恆星質量都跟西佛⼆型星系的活躍星系核的強度有關。;We investigate the host galaxy properties of Seyfert 2 galaxies using MaNGA data. We selected 23557 Seyfert 2 galaxies at redshift (z) < 0.2 from SDSS. A bimodal distribution of [OIII] is found which shows the power of our sample to be separated into low and high luminosity. For the selected Seyfert 2 galaxies in SDSS, we separate them based on a new separation scheme. We crossmatch our Seyfert 2 galaxies to MaNGA, which provides multiple spectroscopic data for 158 Seyfert 2 galaxies from our selected sample. The extended tail also occurs in high luminosity end in the MaNGA [OIII] distribution. Based on the new separation scheme, we have 104 low luminosity and 54 high luminosity Seyfert 2 galaxies. To classify the morphology of the host galaxies of these Seyfert 2 galaxies, we adopt the fitting parameter fracDeV and GalaxyZoo 2 (GZ2) obtained from SDSS and inspect the galaxy morphology by human eyes. The fracDeV results suggest an elliptical morphology for the low luminosity galaxies. We also inspect the galaxy morphology by human eyes. We find that the high luminosity Seyfert 2 galaxies are more likely to be late type galaxies. We also classify three groups of spaxel to study the host galaxy properties: the central spaxel, the circumnuclear 8 spaxels (surrounding the central spaxel), and host galaxy spaxels (those remaining spaxels). We find that the stellar age, Dn4000, stellar mass surface density, and metallicity are higher for the low luminosity Seyfert 2 in the host galaxy. The color excess and Balmer decrement (Ha/Hb) are higher for the high luminosity Seyfert 2 in the circumnuclear region. Both the star formation rate and specific star formation rate are higher for the high luminosity galaxies, suggesting that the star forming activity is stronger in the host galaxy of the high luminosity Seyfert 2. We also find that both the star formation rate and stellar mass in the host galaxy of the Seyfert 2 galaxies correlates with the power of the central AGNs.