關鍵詞:語音人名辨識;自動語音辨識、命名實體識別、雙數組Trie樹、AC自動機算法 ;The company′s switchboard often needs to transfer customer calls to the company′s colleagues, which is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. In this study, named entity recognition technology is used to automatically capture the names of people in speech, and the Double-Array Trie and Aho–Corasick algorithm are combined with the edit distance method to find out the names of colleagues in the company. We use precision, recall and F1 Score as evaluation methods to evaluate speech name recognition for different speech sources of different types of corpus. Finally, we designed a speech personal name recognition system to simulate the phone transfer function of a small company to verify the recognition performance. The experimental results show that the accuracy of identifying active employees is 90.2%, and the accuracy of identifying ex-employees or un-hired employees is 88.32%, and the overall accuracy is 89.73%. The research results can be applied to the automatic transfer of the company′s switchboard.
Keywords: speech personal name recognition; automatic speech recognition, named entity recognition, Double-Array Trie, Aho–Corasick algorithm.