中華民國消費者文教基金會之工作內容以研究消費議題、研擬保護消費者之法令、教育消費者、傳遞消費新知、協助消費者申訴與訴訟為主要工作內容,並且發行《消費者報導》,每月發行一期。《消費者報導》內容掌握時下消費脈動,分析消費問題,為提升消費者的消費意識而努力。本文就《消費者報導》所刊載的文章,分析刊物提供消費者何種知識,其中又形塑出何種觀念,這些觀念又是如何被實踐到消費者的日常生活之場域。此外,爬梳《消費者報導》在1981年至2001年間的文章與申訴案件,消費議題有何種轉變,又呈現出何種消費環境之變遷,亦是本文試圖回答之問題。 ;In 1980s, Taiwan has been rapidly changed society. Meanwhile, the outbreaks of food scandal have explored, like PCB poisoning(多氯聯苯中毒事件) and adulterated wine(假酒事件). The scandal has severely tarnished the image of Taiwanese food processing industry. That made Taiwanese realize the seriousness of the food safety problem. Due to food scandals, people who concerned about Taiwanese health and rights started a movement about consumer protection. Eventually it contributed to the birth of Consumers′ Foundation Chinese Taipei.
Consumers′ Foundation Chinese Taipei committed to study issues about consumer protection. It also promoted consumer education and helped consumer to settle things about Consumer Dispute. The most important thing was to launch the magazine per month: Consumer Reports of Taiwan. Consumer Reports of Taiwan contributed to keep abreast of current consumer affairs and delivered the latest news about consumer protection. The study has found what kind of consumption issues and consumption concepts that Consumer Reports of Taiwan would been provided. Therefore, how the consumption concepts to been put into action, would be the main issues of the study.