本研究以業界現有印刷電路板(Printed Circuit Board,簡稱PCB)鑽孔製程的路徑選擇作為研究基礎,並提出多種假設型路徑的配套方案,其中包含許多複雜路徑規劃與考量,以及自訂的輔助鑽孔參數,進而研究電路板上的複雜路徑與效率比之關係。主要透過Matlab作為整個研究架構的核心工具,包括板的影像二值化處理及尋邊、座標定位等作業,再由PowerMILL進行實際的參數收集,並以此參數作為基礎,定義並比較各路徑的優劣與效率等等,除了可有效了解其假設型路徑之間的差異之外,也將業界常用機台之銑鑽孔方式作為依據,實現實務價值。 在數據定義與收集後,可利於判斷相異的孔位分布,並分析觀察路徑規劃帶來的差異值。在研究前期的模式為爭取實務性,皆以產業界公司企業使用之實體電路板進行研究,並利用光學檢驗設備以背光的形式擷取實品圖形,取得板料圖像後,匯入Matlab進行參影像編輯與設定,此流程與手法在逆向工程上具備一定的貢獻度。 ;This research studies on the PCB drilling. Utilizing Matlab software tool, the images of PCBs are analyzed to obtain the coordinates and sits of holes, three path planning algorithms, i.e. S font toolpath, homocentric squares font toolpath, and the shortest toolpath, are developed and tested in PowerMILL simulation program. Fifteen industrial cases are used to compare the performance for these algorithms. The average operation time for S front toolpath and homocentric squares front toolpath algorithms are 497.8 secs and 404.6 secs, respectively. However, the average time for the shortest toolpath algorithm is 352.4 secs, which is 29% and 13% less than the previous two methods.