政府規劃設置海淡廠,目的是取得淡水的供應,本研究旨在探討何種發包模式最能降低淡水生產成本並避免爭議。目前國際所使用發包模式,可分為政府採購與公私協力兩大類,以政府採購發包海淡廠者,多半均採EPC模式,而以公私協力發包者多採BOT或BOO模式發包,近來則有以PFI模式發包的討論和建議。 本研究歸納整理近來國內所規劃海淡廠11件興建營運案,可分為四類發包模式:以政府工程採購案發包共3案、以政府財物採購案發包共1案、以政府勞務採購案發包共4案、與以民間參與公共建設案發包共3案。本研究並整理上述四類海淡廠發包模式所發生之爭議,以及可預見的衍生爭議:包括工程爭議、營運爭議、招商爭議及法令爭議等。 對於解決供應海淡水問題之可行方案,本研究認為以海淡廠由民間自行營運自有資產且政府採「保價保量購水」之發包模式為最佳,多數領域專家對此亦表認同。目前由政府購買公共服務機制(即PFI)已列入修法草案,因此以促參PFI模式發包海淡廠應為未來最可行之方案。;Construction of seawater desalting plant planned by the government is for providing fresh water to the general public. This research aims at analyzing contracting types of the existing plants in order to obtain the best contracting type for both reducing costs for providing fresh water and avoiding possible disputes. Currently, international contracting types to obtain such plants consists of government procurement using Engineering-Procurement-Construction (EPC) contracting, and private participation using Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) or Build-Own-Operate (BOO) contracting. Recently, there are discussions and suggestions regarding using Private Finance Initiative (PFI) contracting for the fresh water supply. This research categorizes contracts of the 11 built seawater desalting plants into four types: procurement of construction project (3 cases), procurement of property (1 case), procurement of labor (4 cases), and private participation of public project (3 cases). Occurred disputes along with possible future disputes are also presented in this research; which include disputes during construction, disputes during operation, disputes during tendering, and disputes related to laws and regulations. This research concludes that, concurred by many interviewed domain experts, the best contracting type for the government to procure fresh water is to maintain “fixed-price” and “fixed-amount” of the fresh water when contracting, in which seawater desalting plants are owned and operated by the private agencies. Since amending the law to incorporate PFI is under way, using PFI to provide fresh water could become the most feasible contracting type in the near future.