自從近年來台灣工程業普遍開始推出金額超過百億之建築工程以來,如何進行工程管理成為最重要的工作之一,從營建管理的成本、進度、品質、勞安,到專案管理的十大領域,似乎都無法清楚說明工程管理機制及範圍。希望藉由建立完成大型建築工程管理機制內容,提供大型建築工程在開工以前,可以在規劃時期審視自己的管理機制是否健全,並藉由提早進行機制建立,減少工程進行中,同時需要進行工程興建與利害關係人之溝通行為,建立工程上流程,增加專案人員對於大型建築工程的作業流程之熟悉度,避免因為不清楚工作流程而導致錯誤產生。 本文先透過文獻之整理比較分析,將專案管理領域作為管控目標,並與工程公司工作流程、文件保存做比較歸納設計問卷,並透過專家訪談進行實務工作者之問卷調查,瞭解實務工作流程內容以及歸類方式。最後,藉由統合文獻回顧、專家訪談結果建立工程管理機制,套入執行中的大型建築專案工地內進行比對,確認相關工程管理機制內容可以確保涵蓋實際大型工程上所有流程機制,並分析該案例缺乏之管理機制,確認大型建築工程專案工地管理機制確實可行。;Construction for mega complex projects has become a trend and increased recently due to multifaceted needs. These mega projects’ sizes are usually greater than 1 billion US dollar (international project) or at least 10 billion NT dollars (Taiwan domestic project). The study objective is to develop a project management mechanism especially for mega construction projects that also involve 10 demand knowledge for project management to deal with all phases. The literature review explores the features of mega building projects, engineering management mechanism, construction procedures, contract management, and construction phases and summarizes the key elements for expert interviews. 7 experts with working experience greater 20 years accomplish 11 aspects including 61 control items for the project management mechanism. A case with its size of 15 billion NT dollars was selected to illustrate how the proposed project management mechanism works for a mega project. The result and discussion show how adaptable and practical the mechanism is, finding a practical way to conduct smooth project management.