近年來溫室效應加劇,世界環保意識逐漸高漲,聯合國於 2015 年發布 「2030 永續發展目標」(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs),永續發展指 標包含 17 項核心目標,指引世界各國邁向永續共存發展。為與世界接軌並 符合在地化需求,我國行政院於 2016 年發布「臺灣永續發展目標」共計 18 項核心目標、143 項具體目標及 336 項對應指標。 111 年恰逢國立中央大學在台復校六十年,一甲子的時間中,國立中央 大學培育眾多我國優秀青年及傑出研究人員,然校內環校道路因使用年限 將至,道路存在諸多問題,故國立中央大學於 111 年自籌經費進行道路修 建,以提供學子良好的學習環境,建立永續校園。 依據 SDGs 指標以及教育部所實施的計畫「建立永續發展的綠色學校」 為基礎,以此頒布「補助永續大學推廣計畫作業要點」、「永續校園營造指 南」,將永續大學定為中心執行永續環境教育,亦為教育部分區環境教育推 廣中心,整合永續發展與環境教育的課程,培養各學校成為在地環境教育根 基,積極拓展社區以及在地資源,已達成永續校園網絡的最終目標。 本論文研究分析前述指標及作業要點,建議永續校園可實行之積極作 為,並以國立中央大學環校道路 AC 鋪面改善工程為例,說明校園工程及建 築設施,如何導入永續發展指標、工程全生命週期概念,並以成效試驗進行 驗證,給予結論與建議,冀提供社會日後對於「永續校園建設」之依循。;The United Nations released the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, in response to the greenhouse effect and the world′s awareness of environmental protection. In 2016, the Executive Yuan released the "Taiwan Sustainable Development Goals" with a total of 18 core goals, 143 specific goals, and 336 indicators. Based on the SDGs indicators and the Ministry of Education′s "Sustainable Development School" the "Regulations of Subsidizing Sustainable Development School" and "Sustainable Campus Construction Guide" were issued. The University of Sustainable Development is designated as the key point for the implementation of sustainable environmental education, and also for the promotion of environmental education in the education sector. Integrate the courses of sustainable development and environmental education, cultivate each school to become the foundation of local environmental education, and actively expand the community and local resources to achieve the ultimate goal of a sustainable campus network. This paper analyzes the above-mentioned indicators and regulations and proposes positive actions that can be implemented in a sustainable campus. Taking the AC pavement improvement project on the road around the National Central University campus for example, and explaining how to introduce sustainable development indicators and the concept of the whole life cycle of the campus project and building facilities, Verified by effectiveness experiments, conclusions and suggestions are given, hoping to provide society with a "sustainable campus construction".