為透過真實物體之即時數據打造對應虛擬場景,因而衍生出數位雙生系統,其可謂於虛擬世界中創建實體世界之分身,並建立雙向資料流,使決策者可在虛擬環境分析或模擬以便作出決斷,再將結果落實於實體世界,然而,隨著建築物室內空間佈局漸次複雜,舒適性與便利度之提升,能源的消耗更是相當可觀,大量的使用電能更是容易造成隱憂,故對於設備進行用電管理,更是當今社會保障自我安全之必要行為,且無論於場域進行培訓,抑或在建築物內部進行救災作業時,新進或資淺之人員常因不熟諳該環境,於獨立作業下易導致在現場環境裡產生誤判,除了將自身陷於風險當中,更容易延誤救災時機,以致造成無法挽回之局面,因此,本研究基於設施管理框架,透過建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM)與知識圖譜(knowledge graph, KG)幫助創建多方應用之主題式輔助系統,強化室內安全保護及災害防救,針對不同主題構建合適該設施安全應用領域之可視化服務,保障人民深受有害物質之威脅,提醒並警示其不安全用電行為,增強角色之間的協作程度,並以延展實境(Extended Reality, XR)技術製作之互動體驗程式,令使用者可提前熟悉環境狀態,優化其空間感知能力,提升實作之效率與安全,甚至在面臨突發狀況之當下,能夠即時獲得指示與建議,大幅緩和現場人員實際操作上倉皇焦灼之狀態,更可減輕其經驗不足之擔憂,同時藉由決策分析與系統管理之輔助應用,避免人身遭受危害物質或危險行為之傷害。;Digital Twin (DT) technology leverages real-time data from physical objects to create a virtual replica of the physical world. This two-way data flow enables decision-makers to analyze and simulate scenarios in the virtual environment, facilitating decision-making and implementation. However, complex interior space design in buildings prioritizes comfort and convenience, resulting in significant energy consumption and potential safety issues. In training or disaster relief operations, unfamiliar environments pose risks of misjudgment and delays. To tackle these challenges, this research utilizes Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Knowledge Graph (KG) within a facility management framework to develop three topic assistance systems. Tailored visual aids based on themes and roles are provided to monitor information and detect anomalies. By integrating Extended Reality (XR) technology and receiving real-time information, spatial perception, and decision-making can be enhanced, improving the user understanding and guiding appropriate actions. These systems enhance indoor safety protection and disaster prevention, offering customized visualization services for various safety applications. They serve as a precaution against harmful substances, warn and alert against unsafe electricity consumption, and improve collaboration among different roles during disaster relief operations or training scenarios.