為了因應當今市場的瞬息萬變和技術的求新求變,專案導向的業務發展方式已應用於不同行業和領域的組織中,並且採用專案組織的即時動態調整的策略來提升競爭力。然而,在專案執行期間,各種不確定性的因素接踵而來,這使得監控專案的進度和跨專案間的人力資源配置變得困難且需要滾動式調整,進而增加了專案執行的難度。本研究採用個案研究方法,以新創公司的專案開發為研究基礎,探討多專案在面臨不確定性因素時的人力資源最佳化配置。依據限制理論 (Theory of Constraints, TOC) 的思考流程,提供有效的跨專案人力資源共享策略,協助企業在有限資源的情況下實現有效的人力資源配置佈局。從專案經理的角度觀察各專案執行的流暢度,隨時掌握問題並提出機動的配套措施,同時結合各專案角色的職務控管以及有效的解決方案,以應對專案執行過程中的不確定性,從而提高專案品質並實現預定目標。;Project-oriented organizations have become widely adopted in various industries and sectors to adapt to the rapidly changing market and the constant need for technology innovations. These project-based structures enable fast and dynamic adjustments to changes which enhances the competitiveness of the organizations. However, there are uncertainties throughout project execution that makes progress tracking and resource allocation difficult across multiple projects. These uncertainties require frequent adjustments which further impact and complicate the project execution. This research uses a case study methodology based on projects in a start-up company. Data is collected, organized, and analyzed to explore the optimization of limited human resource allocation in a multi-project environment with uncertainties. The thinking process of Theory of Constraints (TOC) provides an effective resource sharing strategy assisting the organizations in achieving effective allocation and deployment with limited resources. Monitoring projects allows the project managers to provide solutions to challenges while integrating role duties to achieve the optimal human resource allocation in a multi-project environment. These proactive measures significantly enhance the project quality and contribute to the successful achievement of predetermined objectives.