近年替代石化燃料市場正增長,將無法處理再利用廢棄物分類,而部 分廢棄物可當作燃料,利用廢棄物資源化,達成物質循順利用效益,降 低對石化燃料依賴。燃燒石化燃料所排放溫室氣體也是嚴重問題,特別 是二氧化碳,故如何有效減少溫室氣體排放也是一個重要問題。研究探 討 A 廠流體化床鍋爐使用固體再生燃料及廢橡膠混燒,B 廠鏈排床式 鍋爐生煤與固體再生燃料混燒,檢測煙道中二氧化碳、粒狀物、硫氧化 物、氮氧化物及戴奧辛排放濃度,並計算排放量與排放係數。結果顯示 A 廠單位排放係數,二氧化碳 275kg/噸水蒸氣、粒狀物 7.81 g/噸水蒸 氣、硫氧化物 28.64 g/噸水蒸氣、氮氧化物 51.27 g/噸水蒸氣、戴奧辛 55.64 ng-TEQ/水蒸氣噸。B 廠排放係數二氧化碳 292 kg/噸水蒸氣、粒 狀物 5.62 g/噸水蒸氣、硫氧化物 21.39 g/噸水蒸氣、氮氧化物 104.65 g/ 噸水蒸氣、戴奧辛 4.50 ng-TEQ/水蒸氣噸。戴奧辛排放係數 A 廠高於 B 廠 12.4 倍。B 廠加入 5%固體再生燃料,二氧化碳排放係數降低至 248 kg/噸水蒸氣。雖使用固體再生燃料能有效減少二氧化碳排放,但須 注意戴奧辛控制。;In recent years, the market of alternative fuel to replace fossil fuel is growing rapidly. However, it is not easy to classify the recycling waste and control its quality. Some wastes can be used as fuel for achieving waste recycling, reducing the relying on fossil fuel and carbon dioxide emissions. This study investigates the air pollutants emitted from the co- firing process of solid recovered fuel (SRF) and waste rubber in the fluidized-bed boiler of plant A and the co-combustion process of raw coal and solid recovered fuel in the chain bed boiler of plant B. Concentrations of carbon dioxide, particulate matter, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and dioxin in the flue gas emitted are measured to calculate the emission factors. The results show that the emission factor of carbon dioxide is 275 kg/ton of steam, particulate matter is 7.81 g/ton of steam, sulfur oxide is 28.64 g/ton of steam, nitrogen oxide is 51.27 g/ton of steam, and dioxin is 55.644 ng-TEQ/ton of steam. The emission factors measured for plant B are carbon dioxide: 292 g/ton of steam, particulate matter: 5.62 g/ton of steam, sulfur oxide: 21.39 g/ton of steam, nitrogen oxide: 104.65 g/ton of steam, and PCDD/F: 4.50 ng-TEQ/ton of steam. The emission factor of dioxin in plant A is 12.4 times higher than that of plant B. As 5% solid recovered fuel is added to plant B, the carbon dioxide emission factor is reduced to 248 kg/ton of steam. Although applying the solid recovered fuel can effectively reduce carbon dioxide emission, the PCDD/F emission should be well controlled.