本研究利用不同的極淺層最強地震圓弧雙交叉搜尋深度範圍,搜尋最強地震圓弧雙交叉,並經過幾何性質的篩選,以進行台灣本島及附近規模5.7以上之短期強震機率分析。 研究結果顯示,最強地震圓弧雙凸交叉整合深度結果,本理論120天內強震預測命中率為66.67%(10/15);最強地震圓弧凹凸交叉整合深度結果,本理論120天內強震預測命中率為52.17%(12/23);最強地震圓弧雙交叉整合深度結果,本理論120天內強震預測命中率為57.89%(22/38)。 關鍵字: 最強地震圓弧雙交叉 ;In this study, we utilize different search depths to search for the strongest double intersections of circular arcs of earthquakes in the very shallow crust. By applying geometric filtering, we analyze short-term earthquake occurrence probabilities for Taiwan and nearby regions with magnitudes of 5.7 or higher. The research results indicate the following hit rates within 120 days: 1. For the Strongest Double-Convex intersection of circular arcs of earthquakes with integrated depth, the prediction hit rate within 120 days is 66.67% (10/15). 2. For the Strongest Concave-Convex intersection of circular arcs of earthquakes with integrated depth, the prediction hit rate within 120 days is 52.17% (12/23). 3. For the Strongest Double Intersection of circular arcs of earthquakes with integrated depth, the prediction hit rate within 120 days is 57.89% (22/38).
Keywords: strongest double intersections of circular arcs of earthquakes