豫劇在台灣,從1953年9月成立的「飛馬豫劇隊」,至今已深耕多年,每年皆有推出大型演出,有「年度大戲」之稱,這種演出可以當成劇團整體藝術理念的一種縮影。 本論文以台灣豫劇團為核心,討論以下內容: (一)至目前為止,豫劇在台灣的發展情況。 (二)台灣豫劇團的2011-2019期間的年度大戲,其文本與演出特徵。 (三)透過題材的演變與創新,思考台灣豫劇團品牌價值與下一步的可能發展。 本文資料來源,包含前人研究之論文、專書,還有與台灣豫劇團聯繫,申請借用其劇本,並搭配劇團推出的出版品與演出影像資料,經綜合探討,歸納出以下幾點結果: (一)從題材選擇可看出台灣豫劇團對於豫劇發展與改良的想法,已幾乎脫離傳統戲劇的框架。 透過和其他舞台演出的比較,能做出市場區隔是當務之急。;The Henan Opera opera in Taiwan has been deeply cultivated since the establishment of the “Feima Henan Opera Troupe” in September 1953. Over the years, the troupe has annually staged large-scale productions known as the “annual plays,” which epitomize the troupe’s holistic artistic philosophy. This thesis focuses on Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company and discusses the following: 1.The development of Henan Opera in Taiwan up to the present. 2.The textual and performance characteristics of the annual plays of Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company from 2011 to 2019. 3.Reflecting on the brand value of Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company and potential future developments through the evolution and innovation of themes. Sources for this thesis include previous research papers, monographs, contact with Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company to borrow scripts, and the publications and performance video materials released by the troupe. Through comprehensive exploration, the following conclusions are drawn: 1.The choice of themes demonstrates that Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company has largely departed from traditional theatrical frameworks in their efforts to develop and improve Henan Opera. 2.Developing market segmentation through comparison with other stage performances is deemed crucial.