本研究旨在為 iPhone 12 的閃光燈設計一款廣角補光燈,以提升拍攝照片的照明品質。透過光學設計,補光燈可提供更寬廣且均勻的光線分布,有效解決閃光燈照明範圍不足的問題。此外,本研究提出了一種影像處理方法,利用已知的照度分布,在相同拍攝條件下,透過簡單的運算即可獲得亮度均勻的照片。實驗結果顯示加入本論文所設計之廣角補光燈後,照片的灰階變化、亮度均勻性、訊雜比等影像品質指標均優於單獨使用閃光燈的情況,驗證了補光燈設計的有效性。;Despite the increasingly powerful camera functions of modern smartphones, their built-in flashes still have limitations in lighting performance. Firstly, the illumination range of smartphone flashes is limited, often failing to cover the needs of wide-angle photography, resulting in insufficient brightness at the edges of the frame. Secondly, due to the concentrated light source, objects illuminated by the flash are prone to overexposure in the center and darkening at the edges, affecting the overall luminance uniformity of the photo. To address these issues, this study focuses on developing a wide-angle auxiliary flash for the iPhone 12. Through optical design, we aim to expand the illumination range and provide a more uniform light distribution, thereby enhancing the image quality of mobile photography in low-light environments. Additionally, we will explore how to further correct the uneven illumination caused by the flash through image processing techniques, aiming to achieve more desirable photography results.