本論文為探討十九世紀法國多產型文學家—奧諾黑·德·巴爾札克(Honoré de Balzac)的「人物再現法」(le retour des personnages)。「人物再現法」是指同一人物重複出現在不同作品之中,讀者可以透過這些作品看見人物更多的樣貌,人物似乎更立體與生動。巴爾札克用畢生心血所創作的《人間喜劇》(La Comédie humaine),包含九十多篇小說、散文及隨筆等,登場人物超過兩千四百位,其中五百多位人物以此寫作手法呈現,角色人物在眾多作品裡反覆出現,成為其作品一大特色。
本研究以最廣為人知的人物—拉斯蒂涅(Rastignac)為例,審視並比較此人物在《高老頭》(Le Père Goriot)、《紐沁根銀行》(La Maison Nucingen)、《驢皮記》(La Peau de chagrin)中的出現及轉變,試著了解「人物再現法」的運用方式,並藉由拉斯蒂涅的再現,窺探巴爾札克的創作理念,進一步了解當時代的社會環境及作者的寫作背景。 ;This research explores the system of “reappearing characters” of the 19th century French author Honoré de Balzac. Balzac, a prolific figure in literary history, devoted his life to creating La Comédie humaine, which includes over ninety novels, essays, and miscellaneous works, featuring more than 2,400 characters, with over five hundred of them recurring across different works. This thus became a distinctive feature of his writing. Therefore, this study will focus on one of his most well-known characters, Rastignac, to examine and compare his appearances and transformations in La Peau de chagrin, Le Père Goriot, and La Maison Nucingen. This analysis aims at gaining deeper insights into the functionality and effectiveness of the system of “reappearing characters” and at scrutinizing whether Balzac’s writing and creative concepts can be discerned through the representation of this character.