本研究旨在探究企業資源規劃(以下簡稱ERP)系統轉換專案延遲的原因,並以A公司的ERP系統轉換專案為案例進行深入分析。首先,通過系統性文獻回顧,梳理了ERP系統的演進歷程、重要性以及ERP專案成功和失敗的影響因素。在此基礎上,研究運用案例研究方法,收集了包括參與觀察、訪談和專案文件等多元化的質性資料,並創新性地運用Python對客製化需求資料進行定量分析,深入剖析專案延遲的成因。 研究發現,A公司ERP系統轉換專案的延遲是組織文化、專案管理、人力資源、技術等多重因素交織影響的結果。高層支持力度不足、組織變革管理不到位、專案團隊領導力和經驗欠缺、客製化需求頻繁變更等問題共同導致專案進度嚴重落後。研究提出了加強高層參與、優化管理流程、強化變革管理、完善需求控制等針對性建議。 本研究通過系統梳理影響ERP專案進度的關鍵因素,豐富了ERP專案管理的理論框架。研究展示了質性分析與Python數據分析的結合運用,為方法創新提供了案例。研究剖析專案延遲的深層原因,為ERP專案的進度管理和風險控制提供了實踐指引。未來研究可從跨文化管理、組織韌性、敏捷思維等視角,進一步拓展ERP專案管理的廣度和深度。 ;This study using a case study approach investigates the reasons for delays in Company A′s ERP system transition project. It combines qualitative data from participant observations, interviews, and project documents with quantitative analysis of customization requirements using Python. The findings reveal that the project delay results from the interplay of organizational culture, project management, human resources, and technology factors. Insufficient top management support, inadequate change management, lack of project team leadership and experience, and frequent changes in requirements are identified as the key causes of project delay. The study proposes suggestions to address these challenges and enrich the theoretical framework of ERP project management. It demonstrates the value of combining qualitative and quantitative methods and provides practical guidance for progress management and risk control in ERP projects. Future research directions include cross-cultural management, organizational resilience, and agile thinking.