摘要(英) |
Vocabulary is the foundation and core of language. Learners must have sufficient amount of vocabulary to establish basic language skills; otherwise, learners can’t understand meaning of articles, write any message, and communicate with others. Learning vocabulary is important, but learners are still difficult to remember vocabulary.
To solve this difficult problem of remembering vocabulary for learners, this research will consider learning behaviors in the learning environment to propose a computer-aided learning system where the self-regulated learning cycle model is applied to assist in memorizing more vocabulary. The learning cycle mode is divided into four steps: self-evaluation and monitoring, goal setting and planning, strategy implementation and monitoring and strategy outcome monitoring. Learning strategies are divided into three: cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies and motivational strategies. Based on these three categories, the research provides nine vocabulary memory leaning strategies: (1) word cards, (2) flash card, (3) multiple choice, (4) spelling test, (5) vocabulary learning cycle strategy, (6) time management strategies, (7) system monitoring learning strategies , (8) self-efficacy and feedback strategy, and (9) peer incentive strategy.
The purposes of this research are to help learners develop self-discipline habits, to promote learners continued to accumulate more amounts of vocabulary, and to enhance memorizing vocabulary learning performance. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that the proposed self-regulated learning system can help learners to memory more vocabulary and enhance their learning performance.
參考文獻 |
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