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姓名 黎東華(Dong-Hua Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 利用福衛三號資料研究非洲地區閃爍現象與閃電之相關性
(Using COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 data to study the relationship between radio scintillation and lightning phenomena in the Africa region)
★ 利用中華衛星一號日地物理酬載對赤道電漿密度異常之統計研究★ 中華衛星一號觀測頂部電離層重離子含量異常之研究
★ 利用中華衛星一號日地物理酬載探討南大西洋磁場異常區電漿不規則體之結構★ 中華衛星一號觀測磁暴時期電離層電漿槽中低緯度邊界位置及波動現象之研究
★ 中華一號衛星所測量到電漿不規則體內向下運動離子的空間分佈與波譜結構★ 用華衛一號觀測資料研究離子沿磁場飄移速度之變化與成因
★ 利用福衛一號研究巨型磁暴時之快速電漿流現象★ 利用福衛一號觀測資料對電離層快速上升電漿泡之研究
★ 磁暴時中緯部重離子異常現象之研究★ 福衛一號SENPOT電位變化與低緯度電離層環境之相關性
★ 利用ROCSAT-1和GPS衛星資料研究電漿泡的時空分布★ 利用ROCSAT-1和DMSP衛星資料研究磁暴時中緯度重離子異常現象
★ 全球閃電產生的電場對電離層之影響★ 大氣層閃電對頂部電離層電漿不規則體的相關性
★ 利用福衛一號研究頂部電離層之電漿不規則體★ 赤道地區電噴流與福衛三號衛星觀測電離層閃爍現象之相關性
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摘要(中) 由TRMM / LIS及MicroLab-1 / OTD觀測資料中顯示,非洲地區發生閃電事件之年平均分布與季節性平均分布圖中,皆屬閃電好發區,因此本文將探討此區發生之閃電現象與利用福衛三號所觀測到強閃爍現象之關連性。本論文使用福爾摩沙衛星三號Level–1閃爍資料 (scnLv1) 與TRMM / LIS閃電資料進行分析,根據閃爍資料提供之閃爍強度指數(S4)我們可判斷閃爍現象之強弱,而TRMM / LIS提供之閃電發光強度(Radiance)則為本文探討閃電強度之依據。
從分析閃爍現象於時空上之變化,發現其閃爍現象與F層不規則體分布時間一致,皆發生於F層底部以及日落後至午夜時段,而季節性之分布也與因磁偏角與日落線間交角關係所造成之不規則體相符,即於北半球夏季(J month)集中於中太平洋經度範圍磁赤道一帶,而北半球冬季(D month)則集中於大西洋經度範圍一帶,但於夏季非洲及其與大西洋交界一帶所觀測到之閃爍現象則非由此機制所產生。而經由比較非洲地區閃爍現象與閃電之冬夏變化情形,發現兩者之南北移動皆在地理緯度 範圍之間,因此認為非洲及其與大西洋交界一帶所觀測到之閃爍現象可能與此區為閃電好發區有關。最後將此區近乎同步觀測之閃爍資料與TRMM / LIS閃電資料進行比較與量化分析,發現在福衛三號觀測到的強閃爍現象之前,TRMM / LIS於鄰近位置也觀測到閃電現象,且發光能量(Radiance)皆大於平均閃電之觀測值。根據結果推論此區由閃電所產生之電場,可能為造成閃爍現象的原因之ㄧ。
摘要(英) Abstract
The annually and seasonally averaged distributions of the lightening activity from TRMM/LIS and MicroLab-1/OTD observations all show that the lightening phenomenon most often occurred in the Africa region. This thesis investigates the relation between the lightening phenomenon and the ionospheric scintillation phenomenon in this region by analyzing the TRMM/LIS lightning images and FORMOSAT-3 scnLv1 data. We use amplitude scintillation index S4 data provided by FORMOSAT-3 to indicate the intensity level of the scintillation events and the radiance data provided by TRMM/LIS to reflect the intensity level of the lightening phenomenon.
By analyzing the temporal and spatial variations of scintillation, we found that the local time (LT) distribution of scintillation resembles to that of ionospheric F-region irregularities. They both occur at sunset to midnight hours. The seasonal changes of scintillation distribution agree well with those of F-region irregularity. This is consistent with the mechanism that the post sunset irregularities occur favorably in the region where the angel between magnetic declination and sunset line is small. These favorable conditions imply that the scintillation events concentrate in the central Pacific longitude sector along the magnetic equator in the northern summer, while the events concentrate in the Atlantic longitude sector in the northern winter. However, we notice that the scintillation events found in Africa and its vicinities adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean during the northern summer can not be explained by the above mentioned mechanism.
Moreover, the analysis of the seasonal variation of scintillation and lightning in Africa reveals that both scintillation and lightning move in the range of ±30° geographic latitudes depending on the seasons. Therefore we suggest that the lightning activity can be the triggering source of the scintillations observed in the Africa coastal region along the Atlantic Ocean. Finally, from quantitative analyses of the nearly simultaneous scintillation data and the TRMM/LIS lightning data for this region, we find that before observing strong scintillations by FORMOSAT-3, the TRMM/LIS did observe strong lightning phenomenon at neighboring locations, and the lightning radiance is greater than the average observed value of lightning intensity. Based on these results, the electric fields associated with the lightning processes at this region may well cause the scintillation phenomenon.
關鍵字(中) ★ 福衛三號
★ 閃爍現象
★ 閃電
關鍵字(英) ★ FORMOSAT-3
★ radio scintillation
★ lightning phenomena
論文目次 摘要 ................................................................................................................ Ⅰ
Abstract ............................................................................................................ Ⅲ
致謝 ................................................................................................................ Ⅴ
目錄 ................................................................................................................ Ⅵ
圖目錄 ............................................................................................................ Ⅸ
表目錄 ............................................................................................................ ⅩⅡ
流程圖 ............................................................................................................ ⅩⅢ
第一章 前言 .................................................................................................. 1
第二章 理論基礎 .......................................................................................... 2
2-1 電離層不規則體 .......................................................................... 2
2-2 閃爍現象 ....................................................................................... 6
2-3 閃電的基本原理 .......................................................................... 8
2-4 閃電的電場在低電離層所發生的現象 ................................... 13
第三章 衛星觀測系統與儀器簡介 ........................................................... 17
3-1 GPS全球定位系統 ...................................................................... 17
3-1-1 太空部份 ....................................................................... 18
3-1-2 地面控制部份 ............................................................... 20
3-1-3 使用者部份 ................................................................... 22
3-1-4 訊號結構 ....................................................................... 22
3-2 福爾摩沙衛星三號系統 ............................................................ 25
3-2-1 掩星法(Radio Occultation) ............................................. 29
3-3 閃電觀測儀器TRMM-LIS ........................................................ 30
第四章 觀測資料與分析 ............................................................................. 33
4-1 觀測資料 ....................................................................................... 33
4-1-1 福衛三號scnLv1 閃爍資料 ......................................... 33
4-1-2 TRMM-LIS資料 ........................................................... 36
4-2 福衛三號閃爍資料分析 .............................................................. 37
4-2-1 S4隨高度分布 ................................................................. 38
4-2-2 S4隨LT分布 ................................................................... 39
4-2-3 S4於冬夏兩季分布情形 ................................................. 40
4-2-4 閃電活動的全球分布 ..................................................... 42
4-2-5 閃爍資料與閃電資料季節分布比較 ............................ 43
4-3 夏季閃爍現象非季節性資料點確認 .......................................... 45
4-4 以tangent point表示閃爍位置之誤差範圍 ................................. 52
4-5 閃電與閃爍同步觀測之個案比對 .............................................. 55
第五章 結論 ..................................................................................................... 70
參考資料 ........................................................................................................... 72
附錄A ................................................................................................................. 75
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參考網站 :
福衛三號資料中心網站: http://tacc.cwb.gov.tw/cdaac/login/cosmic/
LIS網站: http://thunder.nsstc.nasa.gov/lis/
指導教授 葉惠卿(Huey-Ching Yeh) 審核日期 2010-7-25
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