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姓名 林佳縈(Chia-ying Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
論文名稱 從醫病關係發展探究其「信任」(trust)的危機 — 以關懷關係重構
(From the physician-patient relationship development to explore the risk of trust-- reconstruction with the caring relationship.)
★ 諾丁關懷倫理學的道德理論研究★ 《莊子》命論之研究
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摘要(中) 建立良好的醫病關係是相當重要,因能助於病人達到最佳的治療效果、減少不必要的醫療糾紛等等,進而增進醫療的品質。然而,近年來醫療糾紛的案例層出不窮,顯示出當前醫病關係的惡化,造成許多問題,如:雙方之間容易產生誤解、緊張的局面,影響病人其健康恢復的情形。
摘要(英) It is important to build a good physician-patient relationship which can benefit patients to achieve optimal treatment, reduce medical disputes, etc, and then enhance the quality of medical care. However, in recent years, medical dispute cases grow rapidly. It reveals that physician-patient relationship is currently deteriorating, hence lead to many problems, such as the misunderstanding between the physician and the patient, a tense relationship, and the patient’’s recovery process is thus affected.
A good physician-patient relationship is based on mutual trust. When the patient trusts his physician that means he thinks the physician will take his health as a duty and provide optimal treatment. Likewise, if the physician feels that the patient trusts him, he will be more enthusiastic to enhance patient’’s well-being. However, the patient becomes vulnerable due to his illness; he needs the physician’s help to recover and eliminate anxiety about his own illness. Unavoidably, the physician-patient relationship is unequal, so the patient is more vulnerable to being harmed. When harmed is done, it will result in an aloof and mutually mistrustful physician -patient relationship.
In this thesis, I show how to prevent the physician-patient relationship from becoming worse, as well as how to achieve mutual trust under the unequal condition. According to caring relationship of care ethics, the one-caring must actively accept the caring-for. It also requires the response from caring-for as a free agent. By this interactive relation, we could improve the problems that derived from the unequal relationship, and close the gap between the physician and the patient so as to achieve the mutual trust relationship eventually.
關鍵字(中) ★ 歐妮爾
★ 諾丁 
★ 信任
★ 關懷關係
★ 醫病關係
關鍵字(英) ★ caring relationship
★ trust
★ physician-patient relationship
★ Onora O'Neill
★ Nel Noddings
論文目次 論文目次
第一章 導論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 文獻回顧 10
第三節 章節安排 17
第二章 醫病關係其模式的發展 20
第一節 保護主義(PATERNALISM)的醫病關係 20
第二節 契約模式(CONTRACTUAL MODEL)的醫病關係 27
第三節 德行論(VIRTUE)的醫病關係 34
第三章 醫病關係中其信任之變化 41
第一節 信託(FIDUCIARY)關係 41
第三節 協定式信任(COVENANT TRUST) 54
第四章 關懷與關懷關係之探討 60
第一節 關懷在關懷倫理學的意涵 61
第二節 關懷關係的形成 66
第三節 關懷關係之義務與實踐 72
第五章 以關懷關係建立信任的醫病關係 78
第一節 關懷關係下的醫病互動 78
第二節 關懷關係與信任 84
第三節 從關懷的醫病關係中達到互信 88
第四節 結語 96
參考文獻 102
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 李瑞全(Shui-chuen Lee) 審核日期 2011-1-18
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