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姓名 林文賢(Wen-shien Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 家庭智能管控之研究與實作
(Intelligent control family study and implementation)
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摘要(中) 在很早之前看童話故事白雪公主裏面的鏡子,這個鏡子會與後母對話,也會告訴誰是世界上誰是最漂亮的女人,覺得這個故事很有趣。也是大家都耳熟能詳的故事。若是可以把這個鏡子真實的作出來,讓鏡子可以與人互動,可以與人對話。甚至可以給一些的建議,那是最好了。基於這個主要的構想,再加上目前科技的發達,想要作出類似白雪公主裏面的系統出來,就把它命名為魔鏡。這裏面是除了童話故事裏面主要人工智慧系統會作上去之外,仿造它作出一個系統之外,還想讓讓這鏡子有更多的應用,讓魔鏡不是只能告訴我們誰是最漂亮的女人這麼單純的使用而已。想要讓魔鏡的使用系統更廣,讓它可以做更多的事作更多的應用。例如可以讓魔鏡可以變成一個智慧型家庭的管家,讓魔鏡可以幫忙記憶提醒處理家裏的雜事,把家裏的雜項要做的事情交由它來作提醒的動作。也想讓它可以幫忙兼作監控家庭安全作家庭的系統防護、保護家庭不被入侵的守護神。把全家庭的電器可以整合被控制在魔鏡作電器的啟動與關閉、作家庭的守護神、幫忙照顧家裏的老人、小孩能夠,當他們有意外的狀況時。能夠即時的通知家人,能夠即時通知照護人員,也能夠即時的通知119來幫忙處理。在目前台灣愈來愈走向高齡化的時代,能夠用系統來幫忙照顧家裏的老人與小孩。讓現在化的家庭走向智慧化的家庭,能夠有一個智慧化的中心,成為家庭的系統中心。
摘要(英) Before looking at the long mirror inside the fairy tale Snow White, the mirror will be dialogue with the stepmother, will tell who is who is the world’’s most beautiful woman, think of this story is very interesting. Everyone is familiar with the story. If you can make this come true mirror, so that the mirror can interact with people, you can dialogue with people. And even can give some suggestions, that would be ideal. Based on this main idea, coupled with the current technological advancement, Snow White wants to make a similar system inside out, put it named the mirror. In addition to this there is a fairy tale which will make up the major artificial intelligence system, the copy it to a system, but also want to have more applications that mirror, mirror on the wall not only to tell us who is the most beautiful a woman so simple to use it. Want to mirror the wider use of the system, it can do more things for more applications. For example, let the mirror can become a steward of smart home, so that the mirror can help deal with the memory to remind the chores at home, the home of miscellaneous things to do by it to act as a reminder. It also wanted to help double as home security monitoring systems for home protection, protection of the patron saint of the family from intruders. The integration of the whole family can be controlled appliances for electrical appliances in the Mirror startup and shutdown, as the patron saint of the family, help take care of the elderly at home, children can, when they have an accident when the situation. Immediate notification to family members, to immediately notify the caregiver, but also to immediate notice to help handle 119. In the current era of Taiwan’’s more to aging, can use the system to help take care of the elderly and children at home. That the present trend of the wisdom of the family home, to have a wisdom of the center, a family of System Center. This practice of Family Systems Center, is the intelligent control of the family of this thesis the main research and implementation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人工智慧
★ 智慧家電
關鍵字(英) ★ intelligence appliances
★ artificial intelligence
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
緒論 1
研究背景 1
1-2研究動機 4
1-3研究目的 5
1-4論文結構 6
第二章文獻探討 7
2-1語音 7
2-2影像 7
2-3資料擷取 7
2-4人工智慧 8
2-5智慧家電 9
第三章研究方法 10
3-1系統使用主要硬體: 10
3-2系統圖如下: 11
3-3軟體: 12
3-4家電管控系統: 13
第四章系統畫面 17
第五章結論 27
參考文獻 29
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指導教授 楊鎮華(Stephen Yang) 審核日期 2011-1-26
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