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姓名 李芸綺(Yun-chi Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 公司併購政策與股票購回策略之影響因素
(Essays on Factors Influencing Corporate Acquisition and Share Repurchase Decisions)
★ 上市公司財務主管異動宣告對股價報酬與企業經營績效之影響★ 國內綜合證券商轉投資海外子公司內部控制實務探討
★ IPO承銷新制對市場波動性、效率性及流動性之影響★ 探討影響本益比之各項變數-IC設計產業之實證研究
★ 避險基金交易策略在台灣市場獲利性之研究★ 財富管理業務與顧客行為之研究-以本國銀行業為例
★ 購併活動與資訊揭露—以公開收購為例★ 臺灣證券期貨市場後台作業整合模式之研究
★ 道瓊指數、日經225指數、美國及日本10年期公債利率與日圓匯率之相互關係★ 銀行投資公債業務之探討分析
★ 所得稅法新制對債券流通市場之影響★ 私募基金入主國內銀行之認購價格實證研究-以凱雷入主大眾銀行為例
★ 虛擬銀行之可行性分析 -以HSBC為例★ 台灣中小企業融資、客群經營模式與經營策略問題之探討-以C銀行為例
★ 美元兌新台幣匯率與台灣股市關聯性之理論探討與實證分析★ 動態投資組合保險策略之應用— 以紐約證券交易所發行之ETFs為實證
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摘要(中) 本研究由兩篇關於經理人行為的主題所構成,包括併購宣告的時間策略與股票購回前公司治理對自願性揭露的影響。
摘要(英) This study contains two essays on management behavior about strategic timing of acquisition announcements and governance effect on opportunistic voluntary disclosures before repurchases.
Essay 1: Bidders’ strategic timing of acquisition announcements and the effects of payment method on target returns and competing bids
Using a sample of acquisition announcements released during trading versus nontrading hours, this study examines how the strategic timing of acquisition announcements determines the impact of the method of payment on target stock returns and competition among bidders. For overnight acquisition announcements, we find that cash payment offers positively and significantly affect acquisition premiums and target returns, yet these results do not hold for daytime announcements. Cash payment offers made during nontrading hours are more likely to deter potential bidders and complete proposed transactions. However, we find no such relationship for daytime announcements. These findings suggest that the timing of acquisition announcements by bidders is important for assessing the effects of payment method as a signal of target valuation and a preemption of competing bids.
Essay 2: The influences of corporate governance on management’s opportunistic voluntary disclosure behavior before share repurchases
We set out in this project to study the effect of corporate governance on the opportunistic management behavior in the pre-share repurchase voluntary disclosures. Prior literature has devoted considerable attention to the impact of governance structures on corporate behavior, such as earnings management and voluntarily disclosure. However, there is no existing literature investigating whether the monitoring effect of corporate governance can diminish managers’ opportunistic behavior on manipulating stock prices through voluntary disclosures before share repurchases. We examine the effect of three governance variables that are widely used in the literature: institutional ownership, board independence, and analyst coverage. We find that better corporate governance quality lowers the managerial opportunism before repurchasing shares. This is an important issue that has not been studied in the literature and our study shed light on the effect of corporate governance structure on the management voluntary disclosure decision and quality.
關鍵字(中) ★ 自願性揭露
★ 股票購回
★ 公司治理
★ 時間策略
★ 付款方式
★ 併購
關鍵字(英) ★ Voluntary Disclosures
★ Share Repurchases
★ Corporate Governance
★ Payment method
★ Timing strategy
★ Acquisitions
論文目次 Contents
Abstract in Chinese I
Abstract II
Contents III
List of Tables V
1. Bidders’ strategic timing of acquisition announcements and the effects of payment method on target returns and competing bids 1
1.1. Introduction 1
1.2. Literature review and hypothesis development 6
1.2.1. Information effect of payment method at different announcement times 6
1.2.2. Preemptive bidding at different announcement times 10
1.3. Data and methodology 11
1.3.1. Data and sample description 11
1.3.2. Methodology 15
1.3.3. Information process by day of the week 16
1.4. Information effect of payment method at different announcement times 17
1.4.1. Bidders’ timing strategy 17
1.4.2. Cross-sectional regression analyses 18
1.5. Deterring competition with cash payments at different announcement times 22
1.5.1. Relationship between payment method and competition 22
1.5.2. Relationship between method of payment and bid success 25
1.6. Two-stage estimation of cash payments and acquisition premiums at different announcement times 27
1.7. Conclusion 29
References 31
2. The influences of corporate governance on management’s opportunistic voluntary disclosure behavior before share repurchases 50
2.1. Introduction 50
2.2. Literature review and hypothesis development 53
2.2.1. Institutional ownership 53
2.2.2. Outside directors 54
2.2.3. Analyst coverage 55
2.3. Sample selection and methodology 56
2.3.1. Sample 56
2.3.2. Methodology 57
2.4. Empirical results 59
2.4.1. Descriptive statistics 59
2.4.2. Univariate results 59
2.4.3. Multivariate results 61
2.5. Conclusion 62
References 63
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指導教授 葉錦徽、周冠男 審核日期 2011-5-2
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