摘要(英) |
In recent years, compatriots increase to the understanding of mutual fund and acceptance degree day by day, review our country’’s relevant banking’’s literature in the past, it is actually few as to wealth management or relevant discussions of private banking. The main purpose of this thesis is to probe into the high net value customer of investment mutual fund, its personal characteristic changes one, financing and has a partiality for changing one that is with risk attribute relatedly; Its personal characteristic changes one, the financing has a partiality for changing one, risk and affording degree and changing one and taking the total assets proportion of the bank, related three research themes of the rate of returns of common fund investment with mutual fund assets, utilize, gather H bank open an account KYC questionnaire, cash in bank total assets, investment mutual fund amount of money, mutual fund investment rate of returns,etc. materials newly, propose studying the conclusion after the real example is analyzed according to the purpose of studying, and then offer the suggestion on the practice financial institution and investor.
Analyze and receive the following results with the regression model real example of three components: Part one With education, individual / family annual income, investment experience, expect remuneration, expect, invest in time limit, annual trade number of times,etc. parameter for ability of explaining, the attribute of investment risk tends to the positive type. Part two Affording parameters such as degree,etc. with sex, individual / family’’s annual income, risk relatively has ability of explaining, improve to the proportion of taking the assets of chief bank of mutual fund. Part three Relatively have ability of explaining in parameters such as age, education and investment experience,etc., raise the rate of returns of the investment of mutual fund.
Finally, investment mutual fund is one of the choices of the current investor’’s tool for managing money matters, how to assess one’’s own risk attribute to do efficient fund assets to dispose, in order to achieve the rate of returns of best investment it will be an important subject.
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