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許朝昇(Chao-shen Hsu)
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機械工程學系在職專班 |
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數位相機閃光燈透鏡之照度均勻化的結構設計 (The structual design of digital camera flash lens for the illumination uniformity.)
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摘要(中) |
摘要(英) |
As the population of digital camera, people are more familiar with the photography. Recording everything in our daily life conveniently has become one part of our lives. Built-in flash module is one of the important parts of digital camera to increase the lighting of main subject. In order to producing high-energy filling light effect, we must gather light more efficiency.
Most of designs on flash module focus on gathering light efficiency. By exporting high-energy light, we make the planar illumination narrow and concentrated. One the other hand, photo’s quality will decreased by concentrated light due to overexposing, low resolution, and dark corners. In order to improve this question, we need to increase the wise of planar illumination by redesigning the flash light module.
In this study, the flash module of built- in digital camera lens is using xenon lamp and white LED as light source. We separated one light source into multi-region light source. For the distribution of light within the region, we change the structure of micro lens and integrate them into the compound lens. By the simulation software through the optical lens, in the effective distance of 2.5m and effective range of 2x1.5m, we get the following results: When using xenon light as light source, the uniformity of the compound lens is 82.6%; when using white LED light as light source, the uniformity of the compound lens is 85%.
In conclusion, compound lens has a better illumination uniformity and significant upgrade comparing to the simulation results of existing flash lens.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 照度 ★ 均勻性 ★ 閃光燈 ★ 透鏡 ★ 結構設計 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ structual design ★ illumination ★ flash light ★ lens |
論文目次 |
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
致謝 vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xv
第一章 緒論....................................1
1-1 前言.....................................1
1-2 閃光燈模組簡介...........................4
1-2-1 發光源...................................5
1-2-2 反射罩...................................7
1-2-3 閃光燈透鏡...............................7
1-3 文獻回顧.................................8
1-3-1 以氙氣燈管為光源之透鏡設計的相關文獻.....8
1-3-2 以LED為光源之透鏡設計的相關文獻..........9
1-4 研究動機................................11
1-5 研究目的................................11
1-6 論文架構................................12
第二章 設計原理...............................13
2-1 相關光度學單位解釋......................13
2-1-1 光通量 Luminous Flux...................13
2-1-2 光強度 Luminous Intensity..............13
2-1-3 輝度 Luminance..........................14
2-1-4 照度 Density of illumination............14
2-2 近軸光線的追跡原理......................15
2-2-1 光學設計符號............................15
2-2-2 光線追跡................................16
2-2-3 折射過程................................17
2-3 朗伯定律Lambertian Law..................18
2-3-1 擴散性反射..............................18
2-3-2 餘弦發射體..............................19
2-4 穿透與吸收..............................20
2-4-1 穿透....................................21
2-4-2 吸收....................................21
2-5 均勻度之計算範圍........................23
2-6 菲涅爾透鏡..............................24
2-6-1 菲涅爾透鏡的光學原理....................24
2-6-2 菲涅爾透鏡的環帶公式....................25
2-6-3 線性菲涅爾透鏡..........................28
2-7 現有閃光燈模組之菲涅爾透鏡設計..........29
2-8 設計流程圖..............................30
2-9 光學模擬軟體的操作介紹..................31
第三章 以氙氣燈管為光源之結構設計與模擬分析...36
3-1 模型建立與參數設定......................36
3.1.1 光源....................................36
3.1.2 反射罩..................................37
3.1.3 閃光燈透鏡..............................37
3.1.4 觀測面..................................37
3.1.5 光源模擬結果............................38
3-2 菲涅爾透鏡之模型重建與模擬結果..........38
3-3 複合透鏡之結構設計與模擬結果............40
3-3-1 入射光線之區域分割......................40
3-3-2 透鏡之結構設計與模擬結果................41
3-4 透鏡設計模擬結果與討論..................49
第四章 以白光LED為光源之結構設計與模擬分析....51
4-1 模型建立與參數設定......................51
4.1.1 光源....................................51
4.1.2 閃光燈透鏡..............................52
4.1.3 觀測面..................................52
4.1.4 光源模擬結果............................53
4-2 透鏡陣列之模型重建與模擬結果............53
4-3 複合透鏡之結構設計與模擬結果............56
4-3-1 A區域之設計.............................56
4-3-2 B區域之設計.............................58
4-3-3 區域整合................................61
4-4 透鏡設計模擬結果與討論..................62
第五章 結論...................................64
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指導教授 |
陳奇夆(Chi-feng Chen)
審核日期 |
2011-6-21 |
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