摘要(英) |
The global warming raises potential environmental problems which people never focused in last 10 years. In The 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference , commonly known as the Copenhagen Summit. According to the Kyoto Protocol, a framework for climate change mitigation beyond 2012 was to be agreed there. Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan impetus several Policies in 2007,which can mitigate or reduce the climate change. One practice policy is limiting industry carbon dioxide emissions in Taiwan. It is an important goal to scheduled from 2016 to 2020 between the emissions back to 2008 emissions.
Life cycle assessment studies of construction products limit by final disposal did not have a specific procedure to assess effectiveness of mining and landfill. Therefore, normal product’s carbon emission only consider transportation and manufacturing. In this situation, reusing products will have more carbon dioxide emissions than normal products. This result runs counter to general sense which reusing products can reduce carbon emission.
This study is based on carbon footprint guidelines and IPCC (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)to assess carbon dioxide emissions in mining and landfill stages. After collecting related information, this study through research methods, and establish a translating model for soil carbon storage to carbon dioxide emissions.
參考文獻 |
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