摘要(英) |
The result for global greenhouse gas is from industrialization in IPCC AR4, CO2 is the most greenhouse gas (GHG) radiative forcing of climate between 1750 and 2005. Wanninkhof [1992] analysis global sea uptake CO2 is 2.2(+22% between -19%)Pg C per year. Ocean occupied the earth surface 70%, but the ocean surface air CO2 is too sparse, so we have use island CO2 observation data or program project vessel observation.
Global CO2 observations have four type: 1. Ground observation: The ground base stations in the WDCCG (World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases) have to map out; it includes ship observation, aircraft observation, and ground based observation; 2. Aircraft observation : MOZAIC has been from 1993A.D. based on EU and Boeing Company suggestion, it is major in observation O3, H2O, CO, and NOx, CARIBIC is suggest in germen airline from 1997 A.D., it major in greenhouse gas and aerosols. IAGOS had been 2006 A.D. combine MOZAIC and CARIBIC; CONTRAIL had been star from 1993 A.D, major in CO2 and CH4; 3. Satellite observation: Envisat, Europe satellite takes with CIAMACHY, MIPAS, and GOMOS. AQUA, US takes with AIRS to observation CO2, GOSAT, Japan, major observation CO2;4. Program project vessels observation, and PGGM : program project vessels observation include WOCE Program、 CLIVAR/WHPO Program、 Global Volunteer Observing Ship (VOS) Program、 Global Coastal Program Data、CARINA 、PACIFic ocean Interior CArbon (PACIFICA).
PGGM (Pacific greenhouse gas measurment project) star form 2009A.D., it major in Pacific ocean, India ocean, Mediterranean Sea, and Atlantic Ocean surface sea air CO2.
In our data, i use datas has been start form 2010/Jan/29 to 2011/Mar/20, it have 46 routes. First, we start from data quality control, no use 1 gas bottle, second split data to global 2.5 X 2.5 degreed. Figure out time series with Mauna loa station and other station in WDCGG.
Gridded data compare with land datas, it have same carbon seasonal change, and there different in two data is less than 10~20 PPM, it shows ship observation datas has catch the carbon seasonal change.
參考文獻 |
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