博碩士論文 986202007 詳細資訊

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姓名 鄭斐文(Fei-Wen Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 利用甲仙地震研究台灣西南部場址特性
(Analysis of the Site Effect in Southwestern Taiwan From the 2010 Jiasian, Taiwan, Earthquake)
★ 利用井下地震儀陣列探討單站頻譜比法之應用★ 高屏地區場址效應之探討
★ 以地震儀陣列及基因演算法推估近地表剪力波波速★ 臺灣中部地區強地動波形模擬
★ 利用接收函數法推估蘭陽平原淺層速度構造★ 蘭陽平原場址效應及淺層S波速度構造
★ 探討不同地質區強震站之淺層S波速度構造★ 震源破裂過程及地表強地動特性之陣列分析研究
★ 利用微地動探討桃竹苗地區之場址效應★ 利用微地動量測探討台灣中部地區之場址效應
★ 利用有限斷層法探討台北盆地之場址效應★ 利用微地動量測探討台北盆地之場址效應
★ 以恆春地震探討高屏地區之場址效應★ 利用隨機式震源模型探討蘭陽平原之場址效應
★ 利用時頻分析技術檢視土壤非線性反應★ 台灣潛勢地震之發生機率評估
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摘要(中) 2010年3月4日8時18分53秒,高雄甲仙地震站東偏南方約17公里發生震源深度22.64公里、芮氏規模6.4的地震,主要造成災害的區域為台南和高雄。此次地震造成災害主要為建築物損毀或倒塌、土壤液化及高鐵出軌。
由甲仙地震的主頻分布圖和不同頻率的H/V Ratio分布圖,以及弱震的主頻分布圖,可得知0.3~2Hz主要分布於海岸帄原, 2~4Hz主要分布於帄原、丘陵和接近山區的地方,而大於4以上的主頻分布主要在山區。而不同樓層數建築物之主頻與不同主頻對應的放大區域相吻合,於建築樓層設計時應避免與區域的共振主頻相同,或在耐震設計上應加入考量。
摘要(英) The Jiasian earthquake occurred at 8:18:53 A.M. on March 4th, 2010 and it was a large earthquake with magnitude ML=6.4 and focal depth 22.6 km. occurred on land in Taiwan. It also caused many structures damage, soil liquefaction, and a high speed rail car derailed.
The factors affect the ground motions are quite complex. The main factors are source, path, and local site effects. In this study, the data from the Jiasian earthquake and the weak motion data from 1993~2009 are analyzed by using the single station spectral ratio method (Nakamura, 1989) to study the site effect in southwestern Taiwan.
From the dominant frequency contour map and the H/V Ratio maps of different frequency bands show that at the coast plain the dominant frequencies are about 0.3~2 Hz; at the plain, hill, and the area near mountain the dominant frequencies are about 2~4 Hz; at the mountain areas the dominant frequencies are greater than 4. And the higher stories school buildings are damaged at the high H/V Ratio area of low frequency bands, in contrast, the lower stories school buildings are damaged at the high H/V Ratio area of higher frequency bands. So, structure design should avoid the structure frequency around the same with the local dominant frequency; or need to consider the local dominant frequency in the seismic design of structure.
Compared the dominant frequency distribution observed from Jiasian earthquake, weak motion, and microtremor data in the study area, it would understand that the weak motion results are averaged response from many earthquakes. The result of Jiasian earthquake was a signal event so it might present the certain of layers. It was the reason of the differencet between the dominant frequency of Jiasian earthquake and weak motion for some stations. And the microtremor response can be used to infer the response of shallow layer when the earthquake happened.
Finally, the event of high speed rail car derail was discussed. Assumed the earthquake warning system also installed on the all of strong motion stations it would increase much more time to brake the trains and decrease the probability of derail. After observed the waveform from Jiasian earthquake, it might infer that the reason of high speed rail car derail were due to the surface wave generation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 場址效應
★ 弱震
★ 單站頻譜比法
★ 主頻
★ 甲仙地震
關鍵字(英) ★ Dominant Frequency
★ H/V Ratio
★ Weak Motion
★ Jiasian Earthquake
★ Site Effect
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 ........................................................................................................... i
英文摘要 .......................................................................................................... ii
致謝 ............................................................................................................... iii
目錄 ............................................................................................................... iv
圖目錄 ............................................................................................................. vi
表目錄 ............................................................................................................. ix
第一章 緒論 .................................................................................................. 1
1.1 前言 ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 2010年3月4日甲仙地震 ..................................................................................... 1
1.3 研究動機與目的 ....................................................................................................... 1
1.4 文獻回顧 ................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 本文內容 ................................................................................................................... 4
第二章 研究區域與地質概況 ................................................................... 10
2.1 前言 ......................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 研究區域地形概況 ................................................................................................. 10
2.3 研究區域地質概況 ................................................................................................. 12
2.3.1 西部麓山帶 ........................................................................................................... 12
2.3.2 西部帄原區 ........................................................................................................... 13
2.4 斷層 ......................................................................................................................... 13
第三章 研究方法與資料處理 ................................................................... 21
3.1 前言 ......................................................................................................................... 21
3.2 傅氏振幅譜 ............................................................................................................. 21
3.3 研究原理與方法 ..................................................................................................... 22
3.3.1 雙站頻譜比法 ....................................................................................................... 22
3.3.2 單站頻譜比法 ....................................................................................................... 23
3.4 資料處理過程 ......................................................................................................... 25
3.4.1 資料選取 ............................................................................................................... 25
3.4.2 S波的挑選 ............................................................................................................. 25
3.4.3 資料處理步驟 ....................................................................................................... 26
第四章 研究結果與分析討論 ................................................................... 33
4.1 前言 ......................................................................................................................... 33
4.2 主頻挑選 ................................................................................................................. 33
4.3 甲仙地震和弱震頻譜分析 ..................................................................................... 35
4.4 比較微地動結果 ..................................................................................................... 40
4.5 不同頻率的H/V Ratio值分布圖 .......................................................................... 41
4.6 高鐵脫軌事件討論 ................................................................................................. 43
第五章 結論 ................................................................................................ 82
5.1 結論 .............................................................................................................................. 82
5.2未來可研究方向 ........................................................................................................... 84
參考文獻 ........................................................................................................ 85
附錄一 ............................................................................................................ 88
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指導教授 溫國樑(Kuo-Liang Wen) 審核日期 2011-8-24
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