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姓名 麥茂炫(Maushan Mai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 統計研究所
論文名稱 以統計角度探索代謝症候群判別因素之合理性
(A statistical look at the appropriateness of the diagnosticcriteria of metabolism syndrome)
★ 不需常態假設與不受離群值影響的選擇迴歸模型的方法★ 用卜瓦松與負二項分配建構非負連續隨機變數平均數之概似函數
★ 強韌變異數分析★ 用強韌概似函數分析具相關性之二分法資料
★ 利用Bartlett第二等式來估計有序資料的相關性★ 相關性連續與個數資料之強韌概似分析
★ 不偏估計函數之有效性比較★ 一個分析相關性資料的新方法-複合估計方程式
★ (一)加權概似函數之強韌性探討 (二)影響代謝症候群短期發生及消失的相關危險因子探討★ 利用 Bartlett 第二等式來推論模型假設錯誤下的變異數函數
★ (一)零過多的個數資料之變異數函數的強韌推論 (二)影響糖尿病、高血壓短期發生的相關危險因子探討★ 一個分析具相關性的連續與比例資料的簡單且強韌的方法
★ 時間數列模型之統計推論★ 複合概似函數有效性之探討
★ 決定分析相關性資料時統計檢定力與樣本數的普世強韌法★ 檢定DNA鹼基替換模型的新方法 - 考慮不同DNA鹼基間的相關性
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摘要(中) 過去研究顯示,心血管疾病與日後發生第二型糖尿病都和代謝症候群有
摘要(英) In the previous literatures, cardiovascular disease and future occurrence of
type II diabetes have direct relationship with metabolic syndrome. And the
criteria to determine the metabolic syndrome is that if there exists at least three
which are abnormal of five factors in the individual. Here are three main parts in
this thesis. First of all, we will check whether the more abnormal values of
syndrome factor becomes the higher risk of metabolic syndrome or not.
Secondly, we will talk about that the correlations between each syndrome factors,
and we will find out whether the higher correlations between the five syndrome
factors becomes the higher possibilities of metabolic syndrome? Finally, we
consider some factors such as age, BMI, drinking, smoking, and chewing betel
nut, which are risk factors, whether these risk factors affect the incidence of
metabolic syndrome or not.
關鍵字(中) ★ 代謝症候群 關鍵字(英) ★ metabolism syndrome
論文目次 摘要 .................................................................................................................... i
Abstract .............................................................................................................. ii
致謝辭 .............................................................................................................. iii
目錄 .................................................................................................................. iv
表目錄 ............................................................................................................... v
圖目錄 ............................................................................................................. vii
第一章 緒論...................................................................................................... 1
第二章 研究方法 .............................................................................................. 5
第三章 實例分析 ............................................................................................ 16
第四章 模擬研究 ............................................................................................ 33
第五章結論 ..................................................................................................... 40
參考文獻 ......................................................................................................... 42
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指導教授 鄒宗山(Tsung-Shan Tsou) 審核日期 2011-7-8
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