博碩士論文 984208002 詳細資訊

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姓名 廖婉惠(Wan-hui Liao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 投資人身分對金融機構私募股權折溢價之影響
(The research of how financial institution’s private placement be influenced by the investor’s identity.)
★ 金融機構不良債權處理機制之研究★ 放款作業流程的滿意度調查研究 —以S銀行為例
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★ 外資進入對本國問題銀行之影響★ 銀行如何訂定建築業的授信政策
★ 台灣境外結構型商品的監理法規與行銷策略之研究★ 問題放款的解決途徑及個案分析
★ 國家風險與信用評等制度之建立★ 證券業及保險業資本適足率、公司治理與經營績效之比較
★ 商業銀行如何藉由風險中立評價法 衡量放款部位的信用風險★ 中小企業信保案件之違約機率、回收率與信用風險值的實證研究
★ 商業銀行如何建置符合新巴賽爾資本協定的信用評分制度★ 資產減損與債務協商機制對台灣上市櫃公司之衝擊
★ 檢視Basu的盈餘不對稱時效性模型在台灣金融服務業的適用性★ 商業銀行如何檢視淨值貸款與二胎房貸的地域效果
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摘要(中) 近來頻頻發生私募股權價格偏離市價或淨值過多等情事,因此本文之主旨在探討影響金融機構私募股權折(溢)價因素之研究,以2002年至2010年之金融機構為樣本,分別從投資人身分、公司治理、經營績效、市場結構與資訊不對稱五大構面探討,以OLS及Tobit模型進行分析。
摘要(英) The main purpose of this paper is to discuss what factors may influence the financial institute’s private placement sell at a premium or discount. We cover five main aspects: investor’s identity, corporate governance, performance, market structure and information asymmetry. Besides, we use Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Tobit model to do the analysis.
According to our results, if the financial institute’s private placements be invested by foreign investors, then it will be inclined to sell at a premium. Furthermore, if managers or directors participate in the private placement, based on the self-interest theory, this kind of private placement tend to be sold at a discount. However, if outsider can get the director’s position through the private placement, they will willing to buy at a premium.
In the corporate governance aspects, the more shares owned by the directors, the more possibility that private placement sell at a premium. In the market structure, we use Herfindahl- hirschman index to test. The result shows that if the financial institutes have more market power, its private placement also tend to be sold at a premium.
Finally, we use the robustness test. We find that if the macroeconomics gets better, the private placement will sell at a premium. In addition, if the financial institutes belong to financial holding company, then their performance may better than those not belong to financial holding company. Therefore, they also prefer to sell at a premium.
關鍵字(中) ★ 私募
★ 金融機構
★ 投資人身分
★ 賀芬達指數
關鍵字(英) ★ Private placement
★ Herfindahl-hirschman index
★ Investor's identity
★ Financial institute
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要.............................. i
英文摘要.............................. ii
誌謝.................................. iii
壹、 緒論..............................1
一、 研究動機..........................1
二、 研究目的..........................2
貳、 私募制度之介紹....................4
一、 台灣私募制度之相關法規............4
二、 私募之優缺點......................8
三、 私募籌資之運用....................9
參、 文獻回顧..........................10
一、 影響企業選擇私募或公募的因素......10
二、 市場反應與績效表現................10
三、 私募股權折(溢)價之因素............11
肆、 研究假說與研究設計................14
一、 研究假說..........................14
二、 實證模型與變數衡量................17
伍、 資料與敘述性統計..................20
一、 資料來源..........................20
二、 敘述統計量........................20
陸、 實證結果..........................23
柒、 穩健性測試........................27
捌、 結論與研究限制....................31
一、 結論..............................31
二、 研究限制..........................32
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指導教授 陳錦村(Jing-twen Chen) 審核日期 2011-6-30
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