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姓名 王郁婷(Yu-ting Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 筆記型電腦連接器產業之經營策略與價值分析-以宏致電子為例
(The Business Valuation & Value-creating Strategies of Notebook Connector Industry - An Empirical Study of ACES)
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摘要(中) 筆記型電腦產業已無庸置疑是相當重要的產業,連接器是筆記型電腦不可或缺的一部分,但是隨著科技的進步、小筆電和平板電腦的推出,為筆記型電腦連接器廠商帶來重大的影響,對電腦連接器產業也產生極大的影響,本研究將探討筆電連接器產業及其代表廠商所受的衝擊改變,及建議商業模式的調整方向。本研究採質性研究,以深入觀察個案為主要研究方法,並佐以歷史文獻及數據資料的整理與分析,使本研究更客觀更具說服力;並對個案公司宏致電子的高階主管進行訪談,深入瞭解個案公司現況及面對產業變遷的應變態度。本研究依波特五力分析方法找出個案公司外部環境之機會與威脅,再以Osterwalder等人(2010)提出的商業模式九構面探悉個案公司之優勢劣勢,再以SWOT分析法導出宏致電子的價值創造策略。最後,以此策略為假設基礎,運用DCF評價模型評估策略價值。
摘要(英) NB industry is very important nowadays, and connector is indispensable to NB. As technology improving, NB industry as well as NB connector industry changed a lot. This study investigates the challenges that NB connector companies have been facing, and analyses ACES Corporation’s business model for the purpose of providing the firm some strategic suggestions on business model changes in order to be sustainable in the changing environment.
This study uses Porter five forces analysis to find out target firm’s opportunities and threats, and uses the nine factor business model, proposed by Osterwalder et al. (2010), to find out target firm’s advantages and disadvantages. Then it uses the SWOT analysis to derive the value creating strategies. Finally, this study uses the DCF model to assess the potential value that the target firm might create based on those strategies..
The results of this study show that the ACES Corporation’s opportunities are the increasing need of high end connectors and the orders come from Japan, and its threats are the fierce completion and the increasing numbers local competitors in China. ACES Corporation’s advantages are its products’ quality and its key partners, however, its disadvantage are it less stable management team and lack of international marketing capability. By implementing the suggested strategies of building oversea stronghold, improving production process and technology, and expanding its product lines, ACES Corporation’s could substantially increase in its firm value.
關鍵字(中) ★ 波特五力分析
★ 商業模式
★ SWOT分析
★ DCF模型
★ 宏致電子
關鍵字(英) ★ business model
★ SWOT analysis
★ DCF model
★ Porter five forces analysis
論文目次 中文摘要 .............................................................................................................. iii
Abstract ................................................................................................................. iv
致謝 ....................................................................................................................... v
圖目錄 ................................................................................................................. vii
表目錄 ................................................................................................................ viii
第一章 緒 論 ........................................................................................................ 1
1-1 研究背景............................................................................................ 1
1-2 研究動機 ........................................................................................... 8
1-3 研究目的............................................................................................ 9
1-4 研究方法 ..........................................................................................10
1-5 論文架構 .......................................................................................... 11
第二章 文獻回顧 .................................................................................................12
2-1 連接器產業 .......................................................................................12
2-2 產業分析 ..........................................................................................13
2-3 商業模式 ..........................................................................................16
第三章 研究方法 .................................................................................................19
3-1 五力分析 ..........................................................................................20
3-2 商業模式分析 ...................................................................................23
3-3 SWOT分析 ......................................................................................24
3-4 DCF評價模型 ..................................................................................25
第四章 個案分析 .................................................................................................26
4-1 五力分析 ..........................................................................................26
4-2 商業模式分析 ...................................................................................32
4-3 SWOT分析 ......................................................................................43
4-4 策略價值分析 ...................................................................................50
第五章 結論與建議..............................................................................................61
5-1 本研究結論 .......................................................................................61
5-2 給個案公司的建議 ...........................................................................63
5-3 研究限制 ..........................................................................................63
參考文獻 ..............................................................................................................64
附錄:訪問問題 ...................................................................................................69
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指導教授 鄭漢鐔 審核日期 2011-7-7
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