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姓名 林寶玲(Pao-Lin Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 學習與教學研究所
論文名稱 正負數量表徵的心理數線發展
(The Development of the Mental Number Line in the Representation of Positive and Nagative Numbers)
★ 以同儕互評與討論提升小六學童之寫作表現 ~以行動學習輔具教室為例★ 從眼動資料探討字形與聲旁在篇章閱讀的效果
★ 從眼動資料探討連接詞與閱讀歷程之關係★ EFL大學生閱讀英文的眼動資料分析
★ 以眼動型態探討背景知識對詞彙辨識的影響★ 閱讀教學與國民小學學童閱讀動機及行為的關係—以2005年PIRLS資料為例
★ 合作寫作對於國小學童科學概念學習之影響★ 記憶廣度與語境效應對閱讀歧義句的影響:來自眼動的證據
★ 由句法探討手語聽障生書面語閱讀的現象★ 英文閱讀能力與先備知識對閱讀物理篇章推論的影響
★ 識字教學法與口語詞彙能力對新移民女性中文識字學習之影響★ 國小學生對統計圖理解層次之研究
★ 國小學童對幽默漫畫閱讀歷程之研究★ 成人與小六學童在中文多義詞語意激發和選擇的比較
★ 線上閱讀測驗之發展與學生能力表現之探究★ 關係子題及線圖對國小數學低成就學生理解比較型文字題之影響
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摘要(中) 本研究旨在找出國內不同階段學童在正負數量表徵的發展狀況。研究方法分二個實驗,分別為實驗一:(1) 小二、小四、小六、國二及國二學習障礙學童進行數量範圍0~100、0~1000、0~10000、0~100000的數線評估作業(number-line estimation task);(2) 上述小六及國二學童增加進行負數數量範圍-10~10及-100~100的作業;(3)以上各組受試皆進行問卷針對其學習狀況的調查並收集數學成就評量成績以做為背景分析。實驗二:將實驗一中小六隨機選取14名及國二隨機選取24名進行正負數量大小判斷作業。
摘要(英) This study examined the representation of the positive and negative numbers in students during different stages of development in Taiwan. The sample included second graders, fourth graders, sixth graders, eighth graders and the learning disability students.
In the first experiment, all children were evaluated with number-line estimation task, which incorporated four kinds of ranges, expanding from 0-through-100000. The last three groups in the sample were also evaluated by the same task for the -10 through 10 and -100 through 100 ranges. In addition, students’ learning backgrounds were also collected by using questionnaires and their average mathematics achievement in the semaster. In the second experiment, sixth and eighth graders were chosen from the first experiment to access with the additional numerical comparison task.
The results indicate that in the number-line task, the main improvement occur in the fourth grade from the number 0 through 100000. The performance score is similar to how the adult college students performed in other countries. Second, sixth grade also show significant improvement in the negative range number-line task, which indicates that was some strategies maybe used by the students when solving the estimation task with negative numbers despite the fact that students have not learned the negative numbers yet. Third, eighth grade learning disabilities student also showed significant improvement in the small range numbers in between -100 and 100, however, had some difficulties in range above 100000. This could be a potential explanation of what causes the students failed the mathematic achievement. Forth, the results of numerical comparison task indicate that sixth graders may had presented with components representation in mind and that the eighth graders can presented both the component and/or the holistic representations when needed for the task.
We also test the correlation between the two tasks and the math grades; the result shows that the correlation was significant under the sixth grade but not in the eighth grade and learning disabilities students. Overall, the results suggest that children should learn more to solve the more difficult mathematical problems when get into the junior high school, even they have improved in the numerical representation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 數線評估作業
★ 數量大小判斷作業
★ 概算能力
★ 負數
★ 數量表徵
★ 心理數線
關鍵字(英) ★ numerical comparison task
★ estimation
★ negative numbers
★ numerical representation
★ number-lime estimation task
★ mental number line
論文目次 目次 I
表目次 II
圖目次 III
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 3
第三節 研究限制 3
第四節 主要名詞釋義 3
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 概算能力到精算能力的發展 6
第二節 數量表徵的研究 7
第三節 關於本研究 14
第三章 研究方法 16
第一節 實驗一:正負數數線評估作業 16
第二節 實驗二:正負數大小判斷作業 19
第四章 結果與分析 21
第一節 受試 21
第二節 結果分析 21
第五章 綜合討論 41
參考文獻 46
附錄 51
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指導教授 柯華葳(Hwa-wei Ko) 審核日期 2012-7-25
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