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姓名 林俊閎(Chun-Hung Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 學習與教學研究所
論文名稱 動機因素與鷹架輔助機制對學生圖形化程式語言學習成效之影響
(The influence of motivation and scaffolding on students’ visual programming learning performance)
★ 服務學習融入師資培育: 以線上課輔活動為例★ 以TARGET教學模式設計機器人教學單元課程活動與評量
★ 解題導向式教學融入線上課輔對學習動機與學習成效之影響★ 探討國小數學概念回推策略對數位學伴學生數學學習成效及學習態度之影響
★ 探索機器人學習活動之背景和經驗、動機、 策略與成就相關性:以國小高年級學生為例★ 線上課輔教學準備度指標之開發與應用:以數位學伴大學伴為例
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★ 青少年部落格樣貌之探究─以「無名小站」為例★ 創意思考螺旋教學模式下師生互動模式之分析-以Topobo機器人為例
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摘要(中) 本研究的主要目的將探討動機因素與圖形化程式語言學習表現間的關係以及動機因素與鷹架輔助機制對學生圖形化程式語言學習成效之影響。本研究共有208位中學學生參與此研究。從研究結果發現,學生的內在動機、外在動機、自我效能與學習焦慮其程式語言學習的成效具有顯著正相關,而進一步透過多元回歸分析後更發現,學生的自我效能能夠有效預測其學習成效。研究中並發現不同自我效能的學生在自我調學習策略的使用上有明顯差異。高自我效能的學生比低自我效能的學生更會使用自我調製學習策略來輔助其學習。除此之外,本研究也發現,鷹架機制的使用與學生自我效能的高低會對其程式語言學習產生交互作用。從單純主要效果的分析中發現,對高自我效能的學生而言,鷹架機制的介入並未對其學習成效產生影響,然而,對於低自我效能的學生而言,加入鷹架機制有助於改善其學習成效。
摘要(英) The main purpose of this dissertation was to investigate the influence of scaffolding and learning motivation on students’ programming learning performance. There were 208 junior high school students participated in the study. The results indicated that intrinsic, extrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, learning motivation and learning anxiety were positively correlated with learning performance. The results of regression analysis indicated that self-efficacy is an effective predictor of learning performance. It was also found that students with high self-efficacy would use more self-regulated learning strategies than students with moderate self-efficacy. Furthermore, we found a significant interaction between scaffolding and learning motivation regarding their influence on their learning performance. The introduction of scaffolding did not have a significant effect on the learning performance of students with high self-efficacy; however, scaffolding had pronounced benefits for students with lower self-efficacy. According to the findings, we proposed some suggestions for programming instruction, and some directions for future studies.
關鍵字(中) ★ 圖形化程式語言
★ 學習動機
★ 鷹架機制
★ 程式語言學習
關鍵字(英) ★ motivation
★ graphical programming environment
★ programming learning
★ scaffolding
論文目次 Abstract (in Chinese)………………………………………………………………Ⅰ
Abstract (in English)………………………………………………………………..Ⅱ
Table of Content…………………………………………………………………….Ⅳ
List of Figures………………………………………………………………………..Ⅵ
List of Tables…………………………………………………………………………Ⅷ
Chapter 1 Introduction……………………………………………………………….1
1.1 Background…………………………………………………………………1
1.2 Proposes and Significance of the Study…………………………………...4
1.3 Terminology………………………………………………………………...5
1.4 Dissertation organization……………………………………………………7
Chapter 2 Literature Review…………………………………………………………8
2.1 Learning Motivation ………………………………………………………..9
2.1.1 Motivation in the Study of Programming…………...………………10
2.2 Scaffolding…………….…………………………………………………………12
2.2.1 Scaffolding in Programming Learning……………………………..12
2.3 The Relationship between Motivation and Scaffolding in Programming learning……………………………………………………………………16
Chapter 3 Methodology ……………………………………………………..……….19
3.1 Participants …………………………………………………..……………..19
3.2 Course design ………………………………………………………………20
3.3 Instruments……………………………………………………...…………..20
3.4 Multimedia learning material……………………………..….26
Chapter 4 Results…………………………………………………………………….35
4.1 Relationship between motivation and learning achievement in a Robotics visual learning environment…………………………………………35
4.1.1 Correlation between Students’ Motivation and Learning Performance in Robotics Visual Programming Environment …………...35
4.1.2 Influence of motivation on learning achievement in Robotics Visual Programming Learning………………….………..……36
4.2 The Different Use of Learning Strategies in Robotics Visual Programming Learning.................................................38
4.3 The Different Use of Learning Strategies between Students with Different Learning Motivation ……………………….……40
4.4 The Influence of Motivation and Scaffolding on Learning Performance in Robotics Visual Programming Learning…………………………41
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Directions…………………………………48
Appendix A. The Learning motivation questionnaire………………………………64
Appendix B. Learning strategy questionnaire……………………………………68
Appendix C. The NXT-G programming test…………………………………………71
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指導教授 劉旨峰(Eric Zhi-Feng Liu) 審核日期 2012-7-25
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