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姓名 趙進福(Chin-Fu Chao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 改良式干涉相位濾波器應用於地表變形偵測
(A Refined Interferometric Phase Filter with Applications to Detection of Surface Deformation)
★ 2.4GHz無線傳輸系統於遙測與GPS數據整合之研製★ 2.4GHz之無線電波室內傳播通道特性量測與分析
★ K波段地面鏈路降雨衰減效應之研究★ 多層非均勻介質之微波散射模擬分析
★ Ka 波段地面鏈路降雨效應與植被遮蔽 效應之研究★ 地面遙測影像雷達發射與接收模組之設計
★ 合成孔徑雷達之移動目標物速度估測研究★ 小波轉換於合成孔徑雷達干涉相位雜訊之研究
★ Ka波段台灣地區降雨及地面環境傳播特性研究★ 雨滴粒徑分佈應用於Ka波段降雨衰減估計之研究
★ 全偏極合成孔徑雷達非監督式目標分類與極化方位角偏移效應估算之研究★ 全偏極合成孔徑雷達於目標分類之研究
★ 影像融合技術應用於地表分類之探討★ 應用共軛梯度演算法在掃描式合成孔徑雷達目標物特徵增強處理
★ 台灣北部地區Ka波段降雨衰減模式之研究★ 雨滴粒徑與植被遮蔽效應對Ka波段電波衰減影響之探討
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摘要(中) 干涉合成孔徑雷達(Interferometric synthetic aperture radar, InSAR)已被廣泛應用於地表高度與地表變動的測量。地表有關的高度資訊可以從雷達干涉的相位推導出來。然而,相位雜訊降低了信息的準確性和可靠度。因此,若由干涉相位反演地表高程或變動,則降低相位雜訊的最小化是至關重要的。
基於李氏干涉雷達濾波器(Lee INSAR filter)和Sigma濾波器,本文提出一個改良式干涉相位濾波器。改良式演算法的基本概念是根據像元週圍區域的雜訊強弱水平,適時調整相位雜訊的最小化,特別在干涉條紋破碎不連續的極端情況下,同時達到(1)保持干涉條紋應有的邊緣形狀、(2)減少殘差像元的數量、(3)降低相位的誤差/偏移、(4)降低相位的變異量等四個目標。經過模擬影像和實際干涉雷達應用影像的驗證顯示,改良式濾波器之濾波性能優於其他常用的濾波器。
此外,本研究將改良式濾波器實際應用於茂密植被所覆蓋的區域(越南北部),低同調性(low coherence)干涉影像,證明有良好的濾波性能。藉由改善干涉雷達影像的品質,進一步探討和分析兩個實際觀測地表變形情況的案例,其結果如下:
(1)對哀牢山 - 紅河不連續的地質斷裂帶(A-RRSZ)的觀測:A - RRSZ是中南半島和中國南部的交界處。這地區的地質結構具有持續地層活動的顯著特性,是現今地球科學界的關注焦點。本研究旨在應用差分干涉雷達技術(DInSAR),對於A-RRSZ在越南河內市附近區域的地表變形觀測。利用L波段的ALOS/PALSAR和C波段的ENVISAT衛星影像來觀測地變形。初步結果顯示,在2007~2009年期間,地表活動是沿著A-RRSZ斷裂帶由西北向東南的方向變化,這區域地殼表面因為地層相互擠壓結果,有明顯每年約1.3公分隆起縐摺的現象。此外,也觀察到這10公里寬A-RRSZ斷裂帶的地表變形與鄰近地區不同,相對比較穩定。
摘要(英) Radar interferometry has been widely applied in measuring the surface height and deformation which may be derived from phase interferogram. However, the inherent phase noise reduces the accuracy and reliability of that information. Hence, the minimization of phase noise is essential to the retrieval of surface height information at acceptable accuracy.
This work proposes a refined filter that is based on the revised Lee InSAR filter, the revised sigma filter and the Minimun Mean Square Error estimator. The basic idea is to use 16 directional windows to counter the difficulty of preserving the fringe patterns, to select proper pixels within a reasonable range, and to filter adaptively the interferometric phase according to the local noise level, especially in such extreme cases as involve broken fringes. The goals are to preserve the fringe pattern, to reduce the number of residues, and to minimize the phase error and deviation at a same time. The proposed filter was validated using both simulated data and real interferometer data. Results confirm that the filter performance is better than that of commonly used filters.
Furthermore, we also show a practical application of the proposed filter in area of dense vegetation of low coherence to demonstrate its performance. By improving the interferometric quality, two actual sets of observations of surface deformation in the area of low coherence are further analyzed in what follows.
(1) Observations of the Ailao-Red River Shear Zone (A-RRSZ) with discontinuous geologies: the A-RRSZ is at the junction between Indochina and south China. The geological structure that exhibits remarkable continuous activity is a focus of concern for the scientific community. This investigation applies Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) to observe surface deformation in the vicinity of near Hanoi in the A-RRSZ. Both C-band data of ENVISAT and L-band data of ALOS/PALSAR were used to analyze the mechanisms of deformation. The preliminary results reveal that the tectonic activity varied from the northwest to the southeast along the A-RRSZ near Hanoi. The crustal surface clearly underwent an uplift of 1.3 cm/year, caused by squeezing movement in the period 2007~2009. Surface deformation of the 10 km-wide A-RRSZ is observed not only to differ from that in adjacent areas but also to be relatively stable.
(2) Observations of land subsidence in Hanoi, northern Vietnam: human activity of groundwater extraction is one of the factors that cause surface deformation in the region. The interferometric results, which compared the groundwater levels at five monitoring wells, suggest a land subsidence in the northern part of Hanoi city in the period 1996~1999. Later, land subsidence stopped changing in the northern region and occurred at the rate of around 3 cm/year in the southern region in the period 2004~2010.
關鍵字(中) ★ 干涉雷達
★ 干涉相位雜訊
★ 改良式干涉相位濾波器
關鍵字(英) ★ refined filter
★ interferometry
★ phase noise filtering
★ INSAR filter
論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Review of Phase Filters 3
1.3 Thesis organization 10
Chapter 2 SAR Interferometry 11
2.1 Basic principles 11
2.1.1. Geometry of INSAR observation 11
2.1.2. Interferogram flattening 15
2.1.3. Altitude of ambiguity 15
2.1.4. Phase unwrapping 16
2.1.5. Observation of surface deformation: Differential INSAR 17
2.2 Coherence maps 17
2.3 phase error sources 18
2.3.1. Speckle noise 18
2.3.2. The atmospheric contribution 19
2.3.3. The orbital inaccuracy 19
Chapter 3 Refined Filtering of Interferometric Phase Noise 21
3.1 The Lee adaptive INSAR filter 21
3.2 The Lee Sigma filter 23
3.3 Proposed refined filtering algorithm 24
3.4 Procedure of the proposed algorithm 33
3.5 Experimental Results and Discussion 36
3.5.1. Efficiency in simulation data 36
3.5.2. Performance in INSAR applications 42
3.6 Refined Filtering in Iterative Process 45
3.6.1. Procedure with iterative process 45
3.6.2. Experimental Results and Discussion with iterative process 47
Chapter 4 Applications of Refined Filter to Detection of Surface Deformation 50
4.1 Effectiveness of refined filtering in Factual application 50
4.2 Interferometric processing for multi-modal observations 53
4.3 Observations of Ailao - Red River shear zone 54
4.3.1. Objective 54
4.3.2. Measurement results and discussion 57
4.4 Observations of land subsidence in Hanoi 64
4.4.1. Objective 64
4.4.2. Measurement results and discussion 67
Chapter 5 Conclusions 72
References 75
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指導教授 陳錕山(Kun-Shan Chen) 審核日期 2012-7-31
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