博碩士論文 995201097 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡承璿(Cheng-hsuan Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 相角調整裝置之無刷直流馬達驅動系統
(Commutation Phase Auto Adjustment for Brushless DC Motor Drive)
★ 感光式觸控面板設計★ 單級式直流無刷馬達系統之研製
★ 單級高功因LLC諧振電源轉換器之研製★ 多頻相位編碼於穩態視覺誘發電位之大腦人機介面系統設計
★ 類神經網路於切換式磁阻馬達轉矩漣波控制之應用★ 感應馬達無速度感測之直接轉矩向量控制
★ 具自我調適導通角度功能之切換式磁阻馬達驅動系統---DSP實現★ 感應馬達之低轉速直接轉矩控制策略
★ 加強型數位濾波器設計於主動式噪音控制之應用★ 非匹配不確定可變結構系統之分析與設計
★ 無刷直流馬達直接轉矩控制方法之轉矩漣波改善★ 無轉軸偵測元件之無刷直流馬達驅動器研製
★ 無轉軸偵測元件之開關磁阻馬達驅動系統研製★ 感應馬達之新型直接轉矩控制研究
★ 同步磁阻馬達之性能分析及運動控制研究★ 改良比例積分與模糊控制器於線性壓電陶瓷馬達位置控制
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摘要(中) 本文為了補償因霍爾元件定位不精準或濾波器造成的相位延遲,將提出
本文以dsPIC30F4011 為整個系統的主要核心,將相移器數位化,並使
摘要(英) In order to compensate improper location of hall sensor or phase delay of filter, this paper proposes the perturbation approach to adjust commutation phase automatically for improving the efficiency of brushless DC (BLDC) motor in fan application.
Different from the traditional approach needs the motor-environment characteristic or adjusts the parameters by experienced engineer, the proposed method can achieve the optimal point in commutation. For single-phase motors, we design a phase adjusting circuit to change commutation. This way is useful to improve the efficiency. On the other hand, we design digital phase compensation with sensorless terminal voltage comparison method and phase adjustment strategy by using perturbation in three-phase motor.
Finally, experiment results show the proposed method can search the optimal commutation point successfully. Besides, users can set the searching time according to the operation condition.
The micro-controller dsPIC30F4011 is used as the central control unit to implement the digital filter and algorithm, moreover, it could effectively simplify the circuit and reduce the cost of motor driver system.
關鍵字(中) ★ 永磁同步馬達
★ 無感測器
★ 相移器
★ 擾動法
關鍵字(英) ★ sensorless
★ phase adjustment strategy
★ perturbation
論文目次 摘要 ........................................................................................................................ I
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... II
致謝 ..................................................................................................................... III
目錄 ..................................................................................................................... IV
圖目錄 ................................................................................................................. VI
表目錄 .............................................................................................................. VIII
第一章 緒論 ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 ..................................................................................... 1
1.2 內容大綱 ................................................................................................. 2
第二章 直流無刷馬達與驅動方式介紹 ............................................................. 3
2.1 單相無刷馬達 ......................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 單相無刷馬達數學模式 .................................................................. 3
2.1.2 霍爾元件 .......................................................................................... 4
2.2 三相無刷直流馬達 ................................................................................. 5
2.2.1 三相無刷直流馬達數學模式 .......................................................... 6
2.2.2 120 度導通 ....................................................................................... 9
第三章 單相有感測無刷直流馬達相位分析 ................................................... 11
3.1 前言 ....................................................................................................... 11
3.2 相位探討 ............................................................................................... 11
3.3 單相風扇馬達電路解析 ....................................................................... 14
3.4 電流與反電勢相位分析 ....................................................................... 16
3.5 單相無刷直流馬達相移器電路設計 ................................................... 22
第四章 三相無感測無刷直流馬達驅動實現 ................................................... 27
4.1 前言 ....................................................................................................... 27
4.2 自動調整驅動相角文獻分析 ............................................................... 27
4.3 擾動法自動調整驅動相角 ................................................................... 31
4.4 定位與啟動 ........................................................................................... 34
4.5 閉迴路控制-端電壓相減法 .................................................................. 41
4.6 數位化相移器 ....................................................................................... 42
4.7 DSPIC30F4012 數位訊號控制器介紹 ................................................. 45
4.8 三相驅動器系統設計與規劃 ............................................................... 48
第五章 實驗結果 ............................................................................................... 51
5.1 單相直流無刷馬達實驗結果 ............................................................... 51
5.2 三相直流無刷馬達實驗結果 ............................................................... 58
5.2.1 零交越點與相移器結果 ................................................................ 59
5.2.2 擾動法自動調整驅動相角實驗結果 ............................................ 61
第六章 結論與展望 ........................................................................................... 67
參考文獻 ............................................................................................................. 68
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指導教授 徐國鎧(Kuo-Kai Shyu) 審核日期 2012-8-8
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